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IoP expertise ends Cheltenham Science Festival with a bang!

10 June 2009

Scientists from the Institute of Psychiatry at King’s once again took part in the annual Cheltenham Science Festival which ran from the 3rd – 7th June this year. The Festival has gained a reputation for showcasing some of the most outstanding scientists and science personalities in the country. Those who attended the festival were able to debate various topics with some of the worlds leading experts in their field, as well as enjoying science-based entertainment including conducting their own experiments.

The IoP’s Simon Lovestone, Professor of Old Age Psychiatry and Director of the NIHR BRC for Mental Health, along with sociologist John Zeisel took part in an event on the topic of Alzheimer’s, in association with The Alzheimer’s Research Trust. They talked to Pat Boyes, who cared for her late husband Roland Boyes MP for 11 years after his diagnosis, about current understanding of the disease and its treatment.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) was the topic of a discussion lead by Paul Salkovskis, Professor of Clinical Psychology and Applied Science at the IoP and Clinical Director of the Maudsley Hospital Centre for Anxiety Disorders and Trauma, and neuroscientist Sharon Morein-Zamir. The World Health Organisation lists OCD amongst the top ten most debilitating illnesses and the talk explained what OCD is and how many of us are affected. Diana Wilson, a young mother who has learned to manage her obsessive thoughts, described her experiences with the condition.

IoP neuroscientist Professor Steve Williams, sports scientists Steve Draper and Marcus Smith and Darrin Mooney, drummer from the world famous rock band Primal Scream, took part in the closing event of the festival entitled 'The Science of Drumming' sponsored by King's College London.

Says Professor Williams, 'We showed the elements of the central nervous system that are active during drumming (motor tasks) and performed a real time demonstration of the body's metabolic demands during this activity.

'Darrin Mooney, the drummer from Primal Scream performed live on stage whilst we measured his physiology. The festival organisers were delighted that we finished the whole event on such a hi-hat!'

For further information on the Cheltenham Science Festival go to


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