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5th Maudsley Mediterranean Forum

Italy, Palermo
21 (08:45) - 24/05/2018 (12:30)
Dr Olesya Ajnakina:

Registrations for the Fifth Edition of The Maudsley Mediterranean Forum (the 5th MMF) are now open. The meeting will take place in the enchanting city of Palermo, Sicily, from 21 to 24 May 2018.

The 5th MMF is organised by Professor Sir Robin Murray, Professor of Psychiatric Research and Dr Marta Di Forti, Clinical Scientist at the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, together with Professor Daniele La Barbera, Head of the Department of Psychiatry, Palermo Medical School, Dr Anton Grech, Director of Mental Health Services in Malta and Senior Lecturer at the University of Malta, and Professor Nikos Stefanis, Professor of Psychiatry at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School and vice-director of the University Mental Health Research Institute in Greece.

What will the Forum cover?

The speakers are clinical psychiatrists and psychologists, who are well known international experts. They will present the most recent advances in Hot Topics in the fields of Psychotic and Mood Disorders, Addiction, Pharmacological and Psychological Treatment Interventions, Eating Disorders, Genetics and Epigenetics in Psychiatry, Neuroimaging and Neurocognition, and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Who is the Forum for?

The course is intended for Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychologists, other Mental Health Professionals as well as Neuroscientists and Students who want to know the latest developments in psychiatry. We expect about 70 participants from Europe and further afield. So there will be plenty of opportunity for interaction with the speakers and other participants. Both new knowledge and lots of fun!

For registration enquiries and accommodation advice please contact:
Dr Olesya Ajnakina:

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