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Clinical Trials: A practical approach

Denmark Hill Campus, IoPPN Main Building, Robin Murray Lecture Theatre A & B, SE5 8 AF
Summer School
11/06/2018 (09:00-17:00)

11 - 15 June 2018

This 5 day course is aimed at post-graduate research students and researchers engaged in the conduct of RCTs, through the lens of trials in mental health and neurosciences.

The course provides a comprehensive introduction to trial design features used to mitigate bias, important aspects of trial design, conduct, analysis and reporting, and challenges and solutions for conducting RCTs with some focus on behavioral interventions.  Throughout the course the emphasis will be on practical issues faced by researchers in the conduct of RCTs in mental health, and participants will be provided with skills to design and conduct rigorous RCTs in this research area. 

Course Description

Our course will provide participants with skills and knowledge for carrying out a well-designed RCT through the lens of trials in mental health and neurosciences. Aspects include decisions on the choice of trial design and developing key trial documentation.

The course will discuss some features that are specific to the mental health setting.  Participants will consolidate their skills via practical tasks faced in clinical research including sketching out trial designs, responding to a commissioned funding call, developing database forms, a codebook and a trial protocol and interpretation and dissemination of clinical trial findings using STATA or SPSS.

Academic Leads: Dr Kimberley Goldsmith, Dr Ben Carter, Prof. James Watson (Newcastle University)

Click here to book.

Cost: £500 (KHP discounts available)

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