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Introduction to Contemporary Psychometrics for Categorical Data

16 De Crespigny Road, Denmark Hill, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London, London, Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN), SE5 8AF
Summer School, Workshop
02/07/2018 (09:00-17:00)
Registration URL
2 - 6 July 2018

Course Overview

This is a four days course, followed by one day workshop with invited speakers, and is aimed at PhD students and researchers working in applied psychometrics. The course provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental ideas of psychometric theory and their implementation.

Course Description

Starting from the scale construction and gradually moving to the most recent statistical methods employed in measurement, the course provides a complete methodological framework for applied researchers. The focus is given on categorical data (binary and ordinal). While the classical test theory ideas on reliability and validity, often used in the literature, are presented, the more methodologically sound item response theory counterparts are explained (difficulty and discrimination, item and total characteristic and information curves).

For the measurement of the latent variable(s) the course presents both the item response theory approach (IRT; 2-parameter logistic, grated response and partial credit models) as well as the item factor analysis model (IFA). The IFA models implemented are with regard to identifying the latent structure of a scale (exploratory and confirmatory models), differences between groups (measurement invariance), differences due to covariates (MIMIC models) and differences between raters or time points (longitudinal IFA).

Lectures and lab sessions will be based on the use of the STATA software.

Academic Lead: Andrew Pickles, Professor of Biostatistics and Silia Vitoratou, Lecturer in Psychometrics and Measurement

Click here to book.

Cost: £500 (KHP discounts available)

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