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Care giving in psychosis

09 June 2010 

Professor Elizabeth Kuipers from the Institute of Psychiatry (IoP), King’s College London (KCL), has developed a cognitive model for caregivers in psychosis, published recently in the British Journal of Psychiatry.

Professor Kuipers, from the IoP, said: 'Cognitive models look at the links between thoughts, feelings and actions. Caregivers of those with psychosis have particular problems to deal with which can affect their relationships with service users. Initial relationships (positive or negative) affect carers’ understanding and reactions to the onset of symptoms of psychosis. These reactions in turn affect carer relationships with service users and with services'.

Professor Kuipers added: 'Three outcomes are proposed: positive, critical/hostile or over involved relationships. These need different kinds of intervention which are outlined in the paper.'

The study is based on some of her earlier research which indicated that family intervention reduces the risk of relapse for people with psychosis.

Professor Kuipers said: 'Carers can have poor outcomes when they take on a caregiver role in psychosis. Research to improve the outcomes for carers themselves is now needed, and this model provides a framework.'

To read, 'Cognitive model of caregiving in psychosis', published in The British Journal of Psychiatry, in full, please follow the link:

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