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Seminars about improvement & Implementation - Jonny Mallinson and Nick Webb

Denmark Hill Campus, Institute of Psychiatry Psychology & Neuroscience, IoPPN Boardroom
06/02/2018 (16:00-17:00)

Booking is not required, this event is free to attend.


Innovation for better outcomes: transforming mental health in Lambeth. 

Jonny Mallinson, Head of Alliances for Change, Innovation Unit.
Nick Webb, Senior Lead - Mental Health, Innovation Unit.

Jonny is head of alliances for change and Nick is the senior lead for mental health at the Innovation Unit, an organisation developing new partnerships with ambitious change makers in the UK and beyond. They are developing a new programme of work designed to surface, inspire, facilitate and deliver exciting innovations in mental health services and support.


Those commissioning public services are increasingly being expected to oversee rapid large-scale local change that can achieve financial savings, but also to make services more accessible, personalised and focused on prevention. This presentation will explore one example of genuine transformation in public and third sector provision: adult mental health services in Lambeth. It will describe Lambeth’s change journey and offer a model for understanding how to successfully innovate for better outcomes.

Next seminar: Tuesday 6 March, 4pm to 5pm
Boardroom, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience
Dr Ewan Speed, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex


For details of upcoming, and previous, seminars about improvement and implementation please see the KIS website.

These monthly end-of-afternoon lectures take place at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience [IoPPN] main building in de Crespigny Park, London SE5 8AF. Anyone who is interested in improvement and implementation is welcome to attend. The seminars are organised by King's Improvement Science postdoctoral fellows.

KIS is part of the Centre for Implementation Science at the National Institute for Health Research [NIHR] Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research [CLAHRC] South London, also based at King's College London. The CIS is home to a team of expert researchers, including health economists and statisticians. They investigate how best to help implement evidence-based practice and research results within health services in south London and further afield.

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