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Global Mental Health: Research and Action

Summer School
26/06/2018 (09:30-17:00)
Registration URL
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26 - 29 June 2018

Global Mental Health: Research and Action

This four day course, designed and taught by members of the Centre for Global Mental Health (CGMH), will provide participants with an in depth understanding of the issues encompassed by the discipline of Global Mental Health including: the public health significance of mental health in a global context; the challenges involved in scaling up evidence-based interventions to close the 'treatment gap' and the application of epidemiological and health systems research methodologies in furtherance of the global mental health agenda.

The course will also provide a fresh look at progress made towards achieving the aims of the global mental health agenda and present the findings of recent work undertaken by CGMH members.

Please click here for more information and booking.


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