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Introduction to R

Denmark Hill Campus, IoPPN Main Building
Other, Workshop
29 (09:00) - 30/01/2018 (16:00)
Registration URL

Training in Statistical Software

A two-day course which aims to provide a basic introduction to the R software.

This will cover:

(i) obtaining and installing R,

(ii) dealing with various data objects such as vector, matrix and data frame,

(iii) importing/exporting data from/to ASCII text, spread sheet (Excel) and other statistical softwares (e.g., Stata, SPSS)

(iv) some statistical analysis in R such as summary statistics, t-test, chi-squared test, linear regression, logistic regression and

(v) R graphics using ggplot2 for creating and storing graphics in R.


Tutors: Dr Cedric Ginestet and Dr Ewan Carr

Cost: £200 (50% discount to King's College London PhD students, 25% discount to other students and staff at King's College London and King's Health Partners)


For more information and booking, please visit:

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