Innovation in Scaling Services in Children’s Social Care
Hayley Clark, senior business development manager, NSPCC

This seminar will provide an overview of the work of the NSPCC’s Scale-up unit. This is a new initiative created to support external organisations to implement services which have been developed by the NSPCC, with the ultimate aim of reaching more children and families. The session will include:
• An introduction to the lifecycle of service development at the NSPCC from evaluation through to scaling;
• The method they are using to take six evidenced-based programmes to scale nationally across the UK concurrently;
• How they are applying implementation and behavioural science theory and methodology to their scaling approach so that services become sustainable in the new organisations;
• The learning we are gathering from our initial implementation evaluations and about ‘what works’ in scaling in the social care sector.
Next seminar: Tuesday 3 July 2018, 4pm to 5pm
Small lecture theatre, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience
For details of upcoming, and previous, seminars about improvement and implementation please see the CIS website.
These monthly end-of-afternoon lectures take place at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience [IoPPN] main building in de Crespigny Park, London SE5 8AF. Anyone who is interested in improvement and implementation is welcome to attend. The seminars are organised by King's Improvement Science (KIS) postdoctoral fellows.
KIS is part of the Centre for Implementation Science (CIS) at the National Institute for Health Research [NIHR] Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research [CLAHRC] South London, also based at King's College London. The CIS is home to a team of expert researchers, including health economists and statisticians. They investigate how best to help implement evidence-based practice and research results within health services in south London and further afield.