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New films for made with British Psychological Society support

Forty new short films showing experts talking about different aspects of psychosis, treatment, care and support, have been added to, the website for family members and friends of people with psychosis.

The films have been made with the support of a public engagement grant from the British Psychological Society and include interviews with:

  • psychologist Dr Juliana Onwumere, giving advice to relatives;
  • psychiatrist and professor of community and social psychiatry Professor Tom Craig, talking about schizophrenia;
  • Claire Price, employment and social inclusion manager at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM), talking about support a vocational specialist can offer;
  • psychologist Dr Brock Chisholm, talking about psychosis and post traumatic stress disorder;
  • psychologist and professor of forensic psychology Gisli Gudjonsson, talking about forensic mental health services;
  • professor of psychiatric nursing Len Bowers, talking about the role of a mental health nurse on the ward and in the community;
  • social worker Nikki Smith, talking about what a social worker does, the role of an Approved Mental Health Professional and the role of a care coordinator;
  • Dr Nick Hervey, head of social care in the integrated mental health service run by SLaM in Southwark, talking about support available for carers of people with psychosis.

    All of the interviewees work at the Institute of Psychiatry (IoP) and/or SLaM, bar Dr Brock Chisholm, who works at the Forced Migration Trauma Service at Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust. was relaunched on 8 February 2010 with the help of a Wellcome Trust public engagement grant. During its first year, there were 80,573 visitors to the site. Visitor numbers have continued to increase, with between 9,500 and 11,000 people now accessing information on the site each month.

The filmed clips complement the evidence-based written information on the site, compiled with the help of researchers at the IoP and mental health professionals working at SLaM. In September 2010, the site was awarded the Information Standard: developed by the Department of Health, the Information Standard ‘quality mark’ aims to help members of the public easily identify trustworthy information, and give them confidence in what they read.

The creation and development of has been led by Professor Elizabeth Kuipers, head of the Psychology Department at the IoP.

She said: ‘The new filmed clips have been created in response to feedback from visitors to the site and the many carers’ groups with whom we keep in touch. We are very grateful for the support from the British Psychological Society public engagement grant which has enabled us to do this.' aims to give family members access to information that can help them in their supporting role, and benefit both them and their relative. It was built in response to research that demonstrates family members often find it very difficult to access easy-to-understand information about the diagnosis their relative has been given, and are often unclear and confused about what is happening to their relative, particularly in the early stages of psychosis.

The site also includes Ask the pharmacist/psychologist/psychiatrist/social worker pages and summaries of research, written in plain English.

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