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Cognitive Remediation Therapy Training

Summer School, Workshop
13/06/2018 (09:00-17:00)

Mrs Geraldine Davis

Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience

De Crespigny Park

London  SE5  8AF

Tel: 020 7848 5040

Fax: 020 7848 5006



Cognitive Remediation Therapy Training

Where: Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience

When: Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th June 2018

What: 2-day workshop


The Cognitive Remediation Therapy (CRT) programme taught on this course is a psychological therapy which aims to improve thinking skills, such as concentration, memory and problem-solving, in people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia with the ultimate aim improving functioning levels. Research trials of CRT showed that this therapy made significantly greater improvements in memory and flexible thinking than people who received an alternative therapy based on occupational therapy activities or treatment-as-usual. CRT also had a beneficial impact on self-esteem and thinking skills improvements were associated with improved functioning in social situations and symptoms (Wykes et al, 2003, 2007, 20112012; Reeder et al, 2004, 2006). A study carried out by service-users found that the therapy was highly valued by participants, and that they reported noticeable improvements in their thinking skills (Rose et al, 2008). CRT is generally administered by a therapist with the support of pencil and paper material or of computer software. This course will introduce a computer based software called CIRCuiTS and a paper and pencil method alongside a model of CRT implementation based on metacognitive skills (Cella et al, 2015).

Topics to be covered include:

(a)   CRT research and evidence

(b)   the theoretical background to CRT

(c)   a model for targeting metacognitive thinking skills and how they may relate to everyday living skills

(d)   the core skills needed to administer CRT

(e)   assessment and formulation

(f)    clinical issues in delivering CRT and therapist competences

(g)   service-related issues (e.g. the practicalities of therapy and how it may be accommodated within services).

It includes some teaching and live demonstration, video presentations, group and pair work, role plays and practice on CRT tasks.  The aim is for trainees to gain enough working knowledge of CRT and to have had sufficient practice of CRT tasks to be able to begin therapy with clients under appropriate supervision.

This training is open for those with an Undergraduate Degree in Psychology or equivalent with experience of working with those with Psychosis. Some understanding of the Cognitive Difficulties experienced with those with Psychosis would be advantageous.

This is an intensive small group workshop for a maximum of 20 places.

To apply, please contact Geraldine Davis (email: for an application form.  


Dr Matteo Cella & Dr Rumina Taylor





Cella, M., Reeder, C., & Wykes T. (2015). Lessons learnt? The importance of metacognition and its implications for Cognitive Remediation in schizophrenia. Frontiers in Psychology, 1;6:1259.

Reeder C, Newton E, Frangou S, Wykes T. Which executive skills should we target to affect social functioning and symptom change? A study of a cognitive remediation therapy program (2004). Schizophrenia Bulletin, 30, 87-100.

Reeder, C., Smedley,N., Butt, K. et al, (2006). Cognitive predictors of social functioning improvements following cog nitive remediation for schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 32, S123-S131.

Rose, D., Wykes, T., Farrier, D., Doran, A-M., Sporle, T. and Bogner, D. (2008). What do clients think of cognitive remediation therapy? A consumer-led investigation of satisfaction and side effects.  American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 11, 181-204.

Wykes T, Reeder C, Williams C, Corner J, Rice C, Everitt B. Are the effects of cognitive remediation therapy (CRT) durable? Results from an exploratory trial in schizophrenia (2003). Schizophrenia Research, 61, 163-74.

Wykes, T., Reeder, C., Huddy, V et al, (2012). Developing models of how cognitive improvements change functioning: Mediation, moderation and moderated mediation. Schizophrenia Research, 138, 88-93.

Wykes, T., Reeder, C., Landau, S. et al (2007). Cognitive remediation therapy in schizophrenia – Randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, 190, 421-427.


Wykes T, Huddy V, Cellard C, McGurk SR, Czobor P. (2011). A meta-analysis of cognitive remediation for schizophrenia: methodology and effect sizes. American Journal of Psychiatry, 168(5):472-85.

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