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Respected journal salutes IoP psychologists

This month’s issue of the British Journal of Clinical Psychology highlighted the work of Professor Philippa Garety, a top psychologist from the Institute of Psychiatry (IoP), King’s and Professor Daniel Freeman, formerly of the IoP, who wrote an article which is listed in the journal’s index of the most important papers published over the past 50 years in clinical psychology.

The journal published a list of its articles which have had the most impact to coincide with its 50th year celebration. Professor Garety and Professor Freeman’s 1999 review, entitled, ‘Cognitive approaches to delusions: A critical review of theories and evidence’ is described by the British Journal of Clinical Psychology as one of the, ‘landmark articles, which has helped to define, and continue to influence, the directions of clinical psychology research'.

Professor Garety, said: 'It is of course personally pleasing that our work is mentioned here, but also, more importantly, I think it points to the influential role that British clinical psychology has played internationally in advancing our understanding of delusions, and which has served as a solid theoretical and empirical foundation for the later successful work on cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis.'

Theirs is also one of the five most highly cited articles in the past five years, indicating its continued relevance of a journal which has published 3,000 plus articles since its inception.

In analysing the citation data, the editors were mindful that citation counts favour older articles and therefore used ‘several approaches in order to capture a broader selection of articles than would be achieved by applying only a single method’.

The prestigious British Journal of Clinical Psychology publishes articles which address the wide scope of academic clinical psychology within the UK and on an international platform.

To read more about the citation review please follow this link.

Read here: ‘Cognitive approaches to delusions: A critical review of theories and evidence’ Philippa A. Garety and Daniel Freeman, (1999). 

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