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IoP staff honoured for their outstanding teaching efforts

14 July 2010

Dr Oliver Howes and Dr Bill Crum from the Institute of Psychiatry (IoP) have received awards at the King's College London Excellence in Teaching Conference in recognition of their work in higher education.

Professor Eeva Leinonen, Vice Principal for Education at King’s presented the awards at the King's Learning Institute's 4th Annual Excellence in Teaching Conference on 15th June 2010.

Dr Howes was awarded for his work on the assessment of psychiatric competence and Dr Crum for his work on the use of neuroimaging to inform understanding in higher education.   Both had papers published in the Higher Education Research Network Journal.  

This year approximately 150 delegates, including teachers and academics from the Royal Veterinary College, University of Warwick, City University, Bath University, Institute of Education and Oxford University, were welcomed by Professor Rick Trainor and enjoyed a keynote speech by Dr David Bevan from Royal Holloway University of London. The Conference hosted 19 papers on a range of topics related to research into teaching and learning in Higher Education.

For further information, please go to the King’s College London website.



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