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IoP staff elected to Fellowship of the Academy of Medical Sciences

11 May 2010

Philip McGuire, Professor of Psychiatry & Cognitive Neuroscience, and Christopher Shaw, Professor of Neurology and Neurogenetics, Institute of Psychiatry (IoP) King’s College London (KCL), have been elected to the Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS).   They join a membership of 983 Fellows of the Academy, 20 of which are now from IoP KCL.

Following an AMS Council meeting in April, 40 of the UK's leading medical researchers have been recognised for excellence in medical science with their election to the Fellowship of the Academy of Medical Sciences.  Fellowship of the Academy is based on exceptional contributions to the medical sciences either in the form of original discovery or of sustained contributions to scholarship. Fellows are drawn from clinical academic medicine, veterinary science, dentistry, laboratory science, medical and nursing care and other professions allied to medical science.

Professor Sir John Bell FRS HonFREng PMedSci, President of the AMS said: 'Our new Fellows illustrate the wealth of experience and diversity of talent amongst the UK’s research community. I look forward to working with these skilled scientists to ensure their strengths across academia and industry are used to promote basic science discoveries, innovative healthcare and the rapid translation of research into patient benefits.'

Professor Shitij Kapur, Dean and Head of School, IoP KCL said: 'I would like to congratulate Profs McGuire and Shaw on this great achievement.  The IoP now has 20 representatives at the Academy which is a reflection of the world class calibre of scientists we have here.'

The Academy of Medical Sciences is the independent body in the UK representing the whole spectrum of medical science. Its mission is to ensure better healthcare through the rapid application of research to the practice of medicine.  The Academy provides expert, evidence based information and advice on the latest developments in medical science; supports the development of a first class medical science workforce; and champions the UK’s medical research strengths in academia, in the NHS and in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.  The new Fellows will be formally admitted to the Academy at a ceremony on Tuesday 22 June 2010.  For more information visit the




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