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IoP exhibit at Interactive Games Conference

09 November 2009

The IoP was one of nine organisations invited to exhibit at the inaugural Interactive Technologies and Games: Education, Health and Disability Conference this year in Nottingham. Examples of the IoP’s interactive learning technologies were on display last week at the conference hosted by the Nottingham Trent University’s Centre for Effective Learning in Science.

The purpose of the conference was to bring together academics and practitioners to showcase practice and to mainstream research ideas and outcomes in the use of interactive and innovative technologies for learning in healthcare.  Such technologies included: podcasts, 3D virtual reality simulations and Nintendo Wii based haptic technologies with a special emphasis being placed on how such technologies might best be deployed to improve the quality of life for people suffering a variety of physical, social and intellectual disabilities.

The technologies exhibited by the IoP included Dual Diagnosis and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Interactive video case studies; also there were prototypes of potential future e-learning 3D virtual environments: 'IoP Immersive Learning Space' and 'Thinking Worlds', used to explore how students might be trained to conduct patient interviews in a "role play" format through interaction with avatars.

IoP Education Development Manager Julian Fletcher was on hand to demonstrate these exhibits to conference delegates, many of whom got the chance to try out these tools for themselves. He said 'The delegates were very enthusiastic about the IoP interactive learning tools. I hope this will increase the profile of the IoP as a leading contender of e-learning.'

Further details about the interactive learning technologies used at the IoP

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