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Alzheimer's Disease Open Day

Alzheimer's Disease Open Day

Every year, the Institute of Psychiatry opens its doors to 150 members of the public to showcase cutting edge dementia research at the Alzheimer's Disease Open Day.

The event brings together researchers, patients and carers and offers a unique insight into this devastating disease. 

Visitors tour a number of dedicated research 'stations' including:

  • brain imaging 
  • biomarkers 
  • biochemical brain analysis 
  • genetics
  • brain donation
  • memory mechanisms, and 
  • clinical trials 

They talk to researchers throughout the day asking questions and exchanging ideas, and at the end of the day, put their questions to a panel of experts.

The Open Day is co-hosted by Alzheimer’s Research UK, a UK dementia research charity. 

Below are a selection of videos and podcasts from previous events for further information on the type of topics discussed at our open day. If you have any particular queries or would like to attend the next event, please contact Jeremy Wiltshire.

Videos and Podcasts

The Quest for Blood Using the Fruit Fly in the Study of Neurodegenerative Diseases Optimising Antipyschotic Drugs for People with Dementia Brain Training in Early Alzheimer's Disease Alzheimer's Disease Open Day | Q & A

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