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The 16th Annual King's Neuromuscular Disease Symposium

16-20 Windsor Walk, Camberwell, Fetal Medicine Research Institute, London SE5 8BB
26/01/2018 (09:30-17:00)
Registration URL
Fetal Med Puff

The 16th Annual King’s Neuromuscular Disease Symposium

Friday 26 January 2018

This year’s event will again take place on King's College Hospital campus at Denmark Hill, in the stunning contemporary surroundings of the new Fetal Medicine Research Institute. This has a purpose-built lecture theatre and is conveniently located just next to Denmark Hill station at 16-20 Windsor Walk, London SE5 8BB.

This educational meeting is aimed primarily at clinicians who treat patients with diseases of the peripheral nervous system and muscle. Organised by Dr Robert Hadden, it aims to provide practical general clinical updates as well as an introduction to the science underlying neuromuscular diseases. It should be of interest to general adult neurologists, clinical neurophysiologists, paediatric neurologists, clinical neuroscientists, allied health professionals and trainees.

The event will start by 9.30 and finish at around 17.00.

The programme is available here.

Please click here to book.


Online registration has now closed. You may still attend the symposium even if not registered in advance. Please pay on the day by cash or cheque to ‘King’s College London’ – no card payments. Registration fees on the day for the first 10 people (including lunch/refreshments) are £70 standard, £50 King’s staff, £40 trainees. If more than 10 people attend without advance registration then we cannot offer them any lunch or drinks/refreshments so the above fees are reduced by £30.


Directions from Denmark Hill rail station (1 minute walk). Exiting from the station, turn right, then immediately right into Windsor Walk past Phoenix pub, then straight ahead for 100 metres, behind row of terraced houses, until Fetal Medicine Institute is on your right. 

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