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Department of Psychological Medicine


About the Department of Psychological Medicine

The Department of Psychological Medicine focuses on the interface between psychiatry and medicine, psychiatry and occupation, psychiatry and the military, and psychiatry in different settings. The disorders of interest are those of the common mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety, perinatal psychiatry, psychological oncology, eating disorders and stress related disorders.

Research in the Department

The principal research methodologies used within the department are epidemiological, clinical and psychological research, including cross sectional studies, cohort studies and randomised controlled trials.

The Head of the Department is Professor Trudie Chalder. She is a Professor of Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London.

Clinical Academic Group (CAG)

Psychological Medicine as a Department and as part of the Clinical Academic Group (CAG) with the same name has a unique position within King’s Health Partners as crossing the divide between psychiatry and medicine.


The Department is responsible for teaching psychiatry and psychology to medical students at King’s College London School of Medicine, one of the largest schools of medicine in the UK. The Vice Dean and Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry has an active role in undergraduate and postgraduate psychiatry education for the KCL School of Medicine, the IoPPN and the Maudsley. For information about the PhD opportunities available within the School of Academic Psychiatry visit Postgraduate Research Programmes.

The Maudsley Forum

The department hosts The Maudsley Forum, an international annual four day conference, for psychiatrists, psychologists and others interested in mental health. It is suitable for both junior clinicians and experienced consultants. The Forum gives participants the opportunity to learn about the most current advances in clinical and academic psychiatry. The 2024 edition is being held in Palermo, Italy.

The Maudsley Debates

The Maudsley Debates take place three times a year, have been held at the IoPPN since January 2000 and were the brainchild of Professor Robin Murray. Topics generally focus on issues that have a direct impact on mental health services, service users and mental health professionals.

These interactive, popular and exciting debates attract well known speakers and are attended by service users, carers, professionals, journalists and members of the public. For further details, including the archive of podcasts and videos, visit the Maudsley Debates web pages.

Our courses

Duration: One year full-time, September to September

Our Affective Disorders course has been created for a broad spectrum of students and mental health professionals who are interested in specialist training from world-class experts. You will study all aspects of affective disorders, ranging from their characterisation and assessment to the challenges in treating these conditions. Our course is designed to be interdisciplinary and its focus is on both biological and psychological aspects. It is therefore suitable for students who seek to broaden their knowledge beyond professional boundaries, such as medicine and psychology.

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Duration: Full-time one year, part-time two years

Our MSc in Clinical Neuropsychiatry will allow students to develop the skills and knowledge required to specialise in neuropsychiatry as a clinician or academic.

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Duration: 1 year full time, 2 years part time

Clinical Psychotherapy MSc. Study at King’s renowned Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience to develop your understanding of the causes of mental health conditions – and explore the potential treatments.

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Duration: One year full-time, September to September, two years part-time

Study MA Philosophy of Medicine in the Department of Philosophy at King's College London.

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Duration: One year full-time, two years part-time

Our MSc in War & Psychiatry will introduce you to ways of understanding how individuals, both members of the armed forces and civilians, prepare for and cope with psychological trauma. It is designed to develop the knowledge and skills required to explore the field of human conflict and its’ impact on health and wellbeing.

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King's Centre for Military Health Research

Harriette Burt

0207 848 5351

PA to Head of Department Professor Trudie Chalder

Amanda Way

SPI Lab & Perinatal Psychiatry

Ms Shashi Dissanayake

020 7848 0531

SSC Psychiatry Research

Svetlana Drndarski

0207 848 5807



Further information for prospective students

Professional training

Professional training

The IoPPN offers a range of professional training opportunities to support your career development.



Careers in Psychiatry, Mental Health, and Psychology