Samantha Brooks
Post-doctoral Researcher
Research interests
- Mental Health
Dr Samantha Brooks joined King’s in 2009 after completing her PhD at Loughborough University, with an interest in mental health in the workplace. Her first research post involved the evaluation of a specialist mental health service providing treatment for doctors and dentists suffering from mental illness or addiction, and research into barriers to help-seeking within this occupational group.
In 2012 Dr Brooks joined the King’s Centre for Military Health Research, where she was involved in a number of projects including: an exploration of non-deployment factors associated with the mental health of military personnel; the stigma of help-seeking in the Armed Forces; and the impact of veterans’ mental ill health on their partners and families.
In 2014 Dr Brooks joined the Health Protection Research Unit where she continues to work, primarily on the Group Responses After Disasters & Emergencies (GRADE) project, exploring the psychological impact of experiencing a disaster in the workplace and how best to support trauma-exposed employees. Most recently Dr Brooks has developed a workplace psychosocial intervention aimed at training managers in recognising symptoms of distress in staff, communicating effectively with distressed staff and reducing mental health stigma in the workplace.
Dr Brooks is skilled in systematic literature reviews and qualitative data analysis (thematic analysis, discourse analysis and conversation analysis).
Dr Brooks contributes to teaching at King’s, both at the undergraduate and postgraduate level. Prior to joining King’s, she worked as a teaching assistant and demonstrator for the BSc Social Psychology and BSc Communication & Media Studies degree courses at Loughborough University.
2001-2004 BSc Psychology, Anglia Ruskin University (first class hons.)
2005-2008 PhD Social Psychology, Loughborough University
Research Interests
- Disaster response
- Trauma
- Mental health in the workplace
- Mental health stigma
- Help-seeking behaviour
- Workplace interventions
Research Groups
Health Protection Research Unit in Emergency Preparedness and Response
Expertise and Public Engagement
Engagement with key stakeholders in military health and occupational health throughout research projects
Presented work to a range of stakeholders, including policy-makers, healthcare professionals, and academics.
Undergraduate Teaching
2016-ongoing: Graduate Teaching Assistant for BSc Psychology, contributing to the following modules:
- Psychology & Society
- Psychological Skills: Qualitative Skills
- Psychological Skills: Systematic Review Skills
Postgraduate Project Supervision
2014-2015: Research project supervision for MSc War & Psychiatry
2015-2017: Research project supervision for SSc (Student-Selected Component) within the GKT School of Medical Education
2017-2018: Research project supervision for MSc Mental Health studies
2015-2019: Third supervisor for PhD within the King’s Centre for Military Health Research
Dr Brooks is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Undergraduate Teaching
2016-ongoing: Graduate Teaching Assistant for BSc Psychology, contributing to the following modules:
- Psychology & Society
- Psychological Skills: Qualitative Skills
- Psychological Skills: Systematic Review Skills
Postgraduate Project Supervision
2014-2015: Research project supervision for MSc War & Psychiatry
2015-2017: Research project supervision for SSc (Student-Selected Component) within the GKT School of Medical Education
2017-2018: Research project supervision for MSc Mental Health studies
2015-2019: Third supervisor for PhD within the King’s Centre for Military Health Research
Dr Brooks is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.