Professor Humeira Iqtidar
Professor of Politics
Research interests
- Politics
Humeira's research bring together postcolonial theory, comparative political theory and Islamic thought with a focus on modern South Asia. Thematically, her research has been concerned with questions of justice and tolerance, the place of religion in contemporary political imagination, the politics of knowledge, and the legacies of colonialism. Methodologically, she has argued for greater interdisciplinary and cross disciplinary research.
Humeira joined King's College London in 2011. She has studied at the University of Cambridge in UK, McGill University in Canada and Quaid-e-Azam University in Pakistan. Before joining King's, Humeira was based at the University of Cambridge as a fellow of King’s College and Graduate Research Officer at the Centre of South Asian Studies.
She is a co-convenor of the London Comparative Political Theory Workshop and Race and Racism in the Global South seminar series, and editor of the McGill-Queens Studies in Modern Islamic Thought. She has held visiting positions at Lahore University of Management and Sciences, Punjab University and Princeton University. A key area of interest has been institutional development in the Global South and to this end she has supported faculty and curriculum development in various universities. She has also engaged with a range of organisations particularly those focusing on marginalized and minority populations. These activities have ranged from organizing public events with the human rights group Reprieve regarding the impact of drone attacks on tribal areas of Pakistan "Perspectives on Killings by Drones" A discussion with victims of US drone strikes in Pakistan (podomatic.com), and a citizen’s report probing an attack on a Christian colony in Lahore titled “Burning Joseph Colony”.
Humeira's research has featured in interviews and articles in Al-Jazeera, BBC World Service, Voice of America, Der Spiegel, Social Science Research Council Online, The Dawn, The Guardian, Express Tribune, The Conversation and Open Democracy.
Office hours
Humeira is on leave in the 2024-2025 academic year. Urgent emails can be sent to hi2223@columbia.edu
Grants and awards
Britain and Ireland Association of Political Thought Mid-Career Prize 2021
Leverhulme Trust (with Dr Layli Uddin), Red Islam: Socialist Internationalism and Islam in South Asia, 1920-1978.
European Research Council, Principal Investigator, Tolerance in Contemporary Muslim Practice: Political Theory Beyond the West.
Arts and Humanities Research Council (with Dr David Lehmann) Secularisms Beyond the North Atlantic.
Selected Publications
Books and Edited Volumes
- Humeira Iqtidar, Secularising Islamists? Jamaat-e-Islami and Jamaat-ud-Dawa in Pakistan, University of Chicago Press, 2011 (South Asian edition Permanent Black, June 2011). Shortlisted for the American Academy of Religion: AAR Award for Excellence - Analytical-Descriptive Category.
- Justice Beyond Rights: Tribals, Refugees and The Idea of Haq, Cambridge University Press, Elements Series in Comparative Political Theory (under contract)
- Abul A‘la Maududi: Al Jihad fil Islam and Other Writings, Cambridge Texts in History of Political Thought (under contract)
- Humeira Iqtidar and Tanika Sarkar eds. Tolerance, Secularisation and Democratic Politics in South Asia, Cambridge University Press, 2018
- Humeira Iqtidar and David Lehmann eds., Fundamentalisms: Critical Concepts in Religions (4 Volume collection), Routledge, October 2011
Journal Articles
- Justice Beyond Rights: Haqq and Global South Migration, American Political Science Review, online first view September 24.
- Conservative Anti-colonialism: Maududi, Marx and the Question of Social Equality, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 2022 32(2), 295-310 (open access; link)
- Is Tolerance LIberal? Javed Ahmed Ghamidi and the Non-Muslim Minority, Political Theory 2021, Vol. 49(3) 457–482. (open access; link)
- Jizya Against Nationalism: Abul 'Ala Maududi's Attempt at Decolonizing Political Theory, Journal of Politics, July 2021 Vol 83 Issue 3 (link)
- Thinking Across Traditions of Thought, Critical Times, 2020 Vol 3 Issue 3 (link)
- Theorising Popular Sovereignty in the Colony: Abul A‘la Maududi’s ‘Theodemocracy’ Review of Politics, Fall 2020, Volume 82 Issue 4.(link)
- Divine Sovereignty, Morality and the State: Maududi and his Influence, Journal of Royal Asiatic Society (with Oliver Scharbrodt) online first view 2021 (link)
- Texts don't talk back: Colonialism and Political Theory, Contemporary Political Theory, online first view 2020.
- “How long is Life? Neoliberalism and Islamic Piety” Critical Inquiry, 43:4, Summer 2017 (link)
- “Redefining ‘Tradition’ in Political Thought” European Journal of Political Theory, October 2016, 15 (link)
- “Conspiracy Theories as Political Imaginary” Political Studies, March 2016, 64(1): 200-215 (link)
- “Secularism and Dilemmas of Citizenship for the ‘Majority’” Citizenship Studies, 2012, 16(8): 1013-1028
- “Secularism and Secularisation: Untying the Knots” Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLVII No. 35, 2012
- “Secularism Beyond the State: The ‘State’ and the ‘Market’ in Islamist Imagination” Modern Asian Studies, 2011, 45(3):535-564 [reprinted in Osella, F and C. Osella eds., Islamic Reformism in South Asia Cambridge University Press, 2013]
Book chapters
- “Representative Democracy and Religious Thought in South Asia” in Karen Barkey and Sudipta Kaviraj, Democracy and Religious Pluralism, Oxford University Press, 2021.
- “Searching for Tolerance in Islamic Thought” in Leigh Jenco, Murad Idris and Megan Thomas eds. Handbook of Comparative Political Theory, Oxford University Press, 2020.
- “Post-Islamism in Pakistan: Islamist Spin-offs and their Contradictory Trajectories” in Asef Bayat ed., Post Islamism: How Political Islam is Changing, Oxford University Press, 2013.
- “Cosmopolitanism, Religion and Inter-Civilizational Dialogue” in Gerard Delanty ed. Cosmopolitanism, Routledge, pp.198-209, 2012 (reprint 2018).
- “Colonial Secularism and the Genesis of Islamism in North India” in Gareth Stedman-Jones and Ira Katznelson eds., Religion and the Political Imagination, Cambridge University Press, pp.235-254, 2010.
- “Jama‘at-e-Islami Pakistan: Learning from The Left” in Naveeda Khan ed., Beyond Crisis: Re-evaluating Pakistan, Routledge, pp 245-273, 2010.
- “Muslim Cosmopolitanism: Contemporary Practice and Social Theory” in Bryan Turner ed., Handbook of Globalization, Taylor & Francis, pp.622-635, 2009.

Political Economy of Peace and Conflict
The Political Economy of Peace and Security research group analyses a wide range of conflicts, conflict resolution and institutional design for positive peace.

Political Theory Research Group
The political theory group covers many topics and approaches, and affirms the central importance of political economy to political theory.

Global South Research Group
The Global South research group brings together scholars engaged in research on international political and economic trends, non-European perspectives, and south-south comparisons.

Critical Global Capitalism Studies Collective
A collective bringing critical global capitalism research, teaching and activism at King's together under one umbrella to provide a forum for collaborations, events, and discussions, and to forge connections with the media, the policy world, and other like-minded groups.
Department celebrates anniversary milestone
Staff and students came together this week to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Department of Political Economy.

Academic is honoured for contribution to research community
King’s College London academic, Dr Humeira Iqtidar has received a prestigious award for her work in the field of political theory.
New research group will take a fresh look at global issues
A new research group at King’s College London will be examining international political and economic issues from a different perspective.

Humeira Iqtidar's "Tolerance, Secularization and Democratic Politics in South Asia"
Humeira Iqtidar has published "Tolerance, Secularization and Democratic Politics in South Asia"


The Ambiguity of Politics: Jon Wilson
Professor Jon Wilson shows how modern politics is always a murky business, in which the basic units of political life are poorly defined, and their identity...
Please note: this event has passed.

Ethnography and Political Theory Online Workshop
A workshop looking on the value of ethnography in engaging subordinate group’s struggles and the potential to enrich political theory.
Please note: this event has passed.

Worldmaking after Empire: The Rise and Fall of Self-Determination
Award-winning author and academic Adom Getachew will be discussing her book Worldmaking after Empire: The Rise and Fall of Self-Determination at an event...
Please note: this event has passed.
Key trends revealed by the Pakistan elections the world should look out for during 2024
PROFESSOR HUMEIRA IQTIDAR outlines how the recent elections in Pakistan have revealed two important trends that we should look out for as voters go to the...


Political Economy of Peace and Conflict
The Political Economy of Peace and Security research group analyses a wide range of conflicts, conflict resolution and institutional design for positive peace.

Political Theory Research Group
The political theory group covers many topics and approaches, and affirms the central importance of political economy to political theory.

Global South Research Group
The Global South research group brings together scholars engaged in research on international political and economic trends, non-European perspectives, and south-south comparisons.

Critical Global Capitalism Studies Collective
A collective bringing critical global capitalism research, teaching and activism at King's together under one umbrella to provide a forum for collaborations, events, and discussions, and to forge connections with the media, the policy world, and other like-minded groups.
Department celebrates anniversary milestone
Staff and students came together this week to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Department of Political Economy.

Academic is honoured for contribution to research community
King’s College London academic, Dr Humeira Iqtidar has received a prestigious award for her work in the field of political theory.
New research group will take a fresh look at global issues
A new research group at King’s College London will be examining international political and economic issues from a different perspective.

Humeira Iqtidar's "Tolerance, Secularization and Democratic Politics in South Asia"
Humeira Iqtidar has published "Tolerance, Secularization and Democratic Politics in South Asia"


The Ambiguity of Politics: Jon Wilson
Professor Jon Wilson shows how modern politics is always a murky business, in which the basic units of political life are poorly defined, and their identity...
Please note: this event has passed.

Ethnography and Political Theory Online Workshop
A workshop looking on the value of ethnography in engaging subordinate group’s struggles and the potential to enrich political theory.
Please note: this event has passed.

Worldmaking after Empire: The Rise and Fall of Self-Determination
Award-winning author and academic Adom Getachew will be discussing her book Worldmaking after Empire: The Rise and Fall of Self-Determination at an event...
Please note: this event has passed.
Key trends revealed by the Pakistan elections the world should look out for during 2024
PROFESSOR HUMEIRA IQTIDAR outlines how the recent elections in Pakistan have revealed two important trends that we should look out for as voters go to the...