12 February 2020
New research group will take a fresh look at global issues
A new research group at King’s College London will be examining international political and economic issues from a different perspective.

The Global South Research Group will bring together scholars carrying out research on international political and economic trends, non-European perspectives, and south-south comparisons.
The group aims to be as diverse as possible in terms of geographical focus and disciplinary expertise. It includes economists, theorists, historical institutionalists, political sociologists and quantitative political scientists.
Dr Humeira Iqtidar, Reader in Politics in the Department of Political Economy, said: “It’s not just about a regional focus beyond Europe or North America, which is the norm. There is a real interest in looking at things from the perspective of the global south.
“We will be taking a multi-disciplinary approach. The group includes scholars who specialise in quantitative as well as qualitative research, we have political theorists, ethnographers and historians, as well as scholars who are working with large data sets.”
The group’s areas of research will include revolutions and political movements, markets, culture and transnational governance, political ideology, racism, aid and institutions, justice and inequality.
You can find out more about the Global South Research Group here.