Dr Hillary Briffa
Senior Lecturer in National Security Studies
Research interests
- Security
- Conflict
- Strategy
- International relations
Hillary Briffa is a Senior Lecturer in National Security Studies and the Assistant Director of the Centre for Defence Studies at King’s College London, where she read for her Ph.D in War Studies, asking whether small states can have a grand strategy. She is also a founding member of the Centre for Grand Strategy, where she serves as the research lead for the Climate Change and International Order portfolio, and has administered the annual summer school ‘The U.S., U.K., and World Order’ in partnership with the Clements Center for National Security at the University of Texas since 2015.
In the Department of War Studies, Hillary currently teaches National Security Studies, and Small States and International Security at MA level; The Art of War at BA1 Level; and is the BA3 Dissertation tutor and training lead. She has been nominated and shortlisted in the King’s Education Awards categories of ‘Sustained Excellence’ (2019, 2020, 2023, 2024), ‘Inclusive Education’ (2021) and 'Expanding Opportunities' (2022) for six consecutive years.
Presently, she has grants to conduct research projects on maritime security for small states (in partnership with Georgetown University Qatar), national energy transitions (sponsored by the KCL Sustainability Seed Fund), foresight and net assessment (in partnership with the Estonian Defence Forces), defence industrial strategy and climate security (as part of the Security & Defence PLuS Alliance) and educational research. Given her expertise, she regularly consults for the British government (e.g. feeding into the strategic review process for the UK Integrated Review and Defence Command Paper), international governments, and international organisations (e.g. UNDP in Fiji).
Across the College, Hillary serves as an elected representative on the KCL Academic Board, reporting to the Council, which is the supreme governing body of the university. She also serves on the SSPP Faculty EDI in Research Working Group. She is committed to championing gender and equality policies at KCL through the War Studies Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, and is a regular contributor to KCL Widening Participation programmes. Beyond the College, Hillary is the Academic Chair for the Knowledge Hub on Climate on behalf of KCL for Circle-U, the European University Alliance. She is also a member of the editorial board of open-access peer-reviewed journal Small States & Territories (ISSN: 2616-8006), a member of the steering group of the high-level London Defence Conference, , a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (since 2023), and an Early Career Member of the Royal Historical Society (since 2020).
Previously, she has taught courses across the spectrum of global politics, international relations, defence, foreign policy, security and strategy at the Royal College of Defence Studies, the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, University College London, Birkbeck University of London, and Queen Mary University of London. She has held Visiting Lectureships at the University of Malta, University of Iceland, and University of Vilnius. Beyond academia, she served as Youth Ambassador for Malta to the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) for three years, and worked at the Malta High Commission to the UK throughout Malta’s tenure as Commonwealth Chair-in-Office. After running peace-building projects in Eastern and Central Europe (capturing a $25k grant and winning the European Union Youth Award and the U.S. State Department Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund Award), in 2015 she was appointed an Associate Fellow of the Royal Commonwealth Society, and in 2016 became a recipient of the U.S. State Department’s inaugural Emerging Young Leaders award.
Research interests
- Small States and International Security
- National Security
- Climate Security
- Grand Strategy
- First World War Propaganda
- Migration
- Soft Power and Political Communication
- Frozen Conflicts in Eastern Europe
- Strategic Foresight and Net Assessment
- Hans J. Morgenthau Fellow at The Notre Dame International Security Center (NDISC) - 2020/2021
- Clements Centre for History, Strategy and Statecraft (University of Texas) Graduate Summer Seminar in History and Statecraft - Colorado, July 2016
- U.S. State Department inaugural Emerging Young Leaders Award and Exchange Programme, April 2016
- Malta Government ENDEAVOUR scheme January 2015-2018
- Malta Government Scholarship MASTER it! Scheme 2013, part-financed by the European Union – European Social Fund (ESF) under Operational Programme II – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013, “Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of Life”
- Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellowship, North Carolina 2010
- Briffa, Hillary. 2024. “Everybody’s Supporters’ Club: Maltese Constitutional Neutrality” In The Constitution of Malta at Sixty, edited by Tonio Borg and John Stanton. Malta: Kite Group. Forthcoming.
- Gearson, John, Hillary Briffa, and Joe Devanny. 2024. “National Security Studies.” In An Introduction to War Studies, edited by Michael S. Goodman, Rachel Kerr, and Matt Moran. Cheltenham: Elgar Publishing.
- Strating, Bec, Nick Bisley, Hillary Briffa, Alessio Patalano, Chisako T. Masao, Nobuhiro Aizawa, Yoichiro Sato, Kyoko Hatakeyama, Scott Edwards, and Troy Lee-Brown. 2024. “The La Trobe Asia Brief: Enhancing Global and Regional Maritime Order.”
- Briffa, H. (2023). Small States and COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities for Multilateralism. Global Perspectives, 4(1).
- Briffa, H. (2023, August 3). Maltese Neutrality: A Live Debate. Neutrality Studies.
- Briffa, Hillary, Ian Hall, Alessio Patalano, and Bec Strating. 2022. "Enhancing Maritime Security in the Indo-Pacific". Policy Brief. Griffith Asia Institute. https://www.griffith.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0036/1585584/maritime-security-policy-brief-web.pdf
- Briffa, Hillary. 2022. "Neutrality and Small States: A Strategic Approach" In Neutral beyond the Cold: Neutral States and the Post-Cold War International System, edited by Pascal Lottaz, Heinz Gärtner, and Herbert R. Reginbogin. Lexington Books: London. 19-38.
- Briffa, Hillary. 2021. “The Integrated Review and the View from Small States: Time to Think Smaller?” In The Integrated Review in Context: A Strategy Fit for the 2020s?,edited by Joe Devanny and John Gearson, 86–92. Centre for Defence Studies. https://www.kcl.ac.uk/the-integrated-review-and-the-view-from-small-states-time-to-think-smaller
- ‘Melitensium Amor: The surge of Nationalism in Colonial Malta during the First World War’ presented at the 2019 International Society for First World War Studies conference was awarded the Gail Braybon Award in September 2021
- Briffa, Hillary, Jasen Castillo, Alexander Cooley, and Naazneen Barma. 2021. “Roundtable 13-1 on An Open World: How America Can Win the Contest for Twenty-First-Century Order.” H-Diplo, September 17, 2021.
- Briffa, Hillary., and Gordon Agius. 2021. “Tourism and COVID-19 in 2020: The Case of Malta as a Small State.” Small States & Territories 4 (1): 75–104.
- Briffa, Hillary. 2021. “Neutrality and Shelter Seeking: The Case of Malta.” In Small States and the New Security Environment, edited by Anne-Marie Brady and Baldur Thorhallsson. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
- Briffa, Hillary, and Alessandra Baldacchino. 2021. “Diaspora Policies, Consular Services and Social Protection for Maltese Citizens Abroad.” In Migration and Social Protection in Europe and Beyond (Volume 2): Comparing Consular Services and Diaspora Policies, edited by Jean-Michel Lafleur and Daniela Vintila. Cham, Switzerland: IMISCOE Research Series, Springer International Publishing.
- Briffa, Hillary. 2021. “Section Introduction: Multilingual Environments.” In Multilingual Environments in the Great War, edited by Julian Walker and Christophe Declerq. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Briffa, Hillary. 2020. “1919: Repression, Riots and Revolution.” Imperial & Global Forum, June 9, 2020.
- Briffa, Hillary. 2019. “Malta.” In Religion and Contemporary Politics: A Global Encyclopedia, edited by Timothy Demy and Jeffrey Shaw. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
- Briffa, Hillary. 2017. “Audita Tremendi, Emicho, Melito of Sardis.” In War and Religion: An Encyclopedia of Faith and Conflict, edited by Jeffrey Shaw and Timothy Demy. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLI
- Briffa, Hillary. 2016. “Malta in the First World War.” In Languages and the First World War: Communicating in a Transnational War, edited by Julian Walker and Christophe Declerq, 175–189. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Consultant on Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) 2016 report 'A New Comprehensive Strategy for Countering Violent Extremism'
Book reviews
- Kruizinga, S. (2022) The politics of smallness in modern Europe: size, identity and international relations since 1800. London: Bloomsbury. Review by H. Briffa. In International Affairs 99 (3), 2023.
- Long, T. (2022) A Small State’s Guide to Influence in World Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Review by H. Briffa. In The Hague Journal of Diplomacy. Featured Reviews. 7 February 2023.
- Micallef Grimaud, J. (2018). Small states and EU governance: Malta in EU decision-making processes. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Review by Hillary Briffa. In Small States & Territories Vol. 2, No. 1, May 2019
- Harwood, M., Moncada, S. & Pace, R. (Eds.) (2018). Malta’s EU Presidency: A study in a small state Presidency of the Council of the EU. Msida, Malta: Malta University Publications. Review by Hillary Briffa. In Small States & Territories Vol. 2, No. 1, May 2019
- Paul, T.V. (2018) Restraining Great Powers: soft balancing from empires to the global era. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Review by Hillary Briffa. In International Affairs Vol. 95, No. 6, Nov 2019

The First World War Research Group
The First World War Research Group brings together a wealth of expertise on military, diplomatic, social, and cultural aspects of the conflict.

Environmental Security research group
The Environmental Security research group brings together scholars from the security community and scholars working on issues of environmental security.

Climate & sustainability researchers at King’s
King's researchers working across climate and sustainability

Centre for Defence Studies
CDS is a world-leading Centre for Defence and security research, thought-leadership, consultancy and executive development run by director Professor John Gearson.

Research Centre in International Relations (RCIR)
The Research Centre in International Relations conducts research on practices of security and conflict, their transformation, and their social and political implications.
King's funds collaborative research into global security and defence challenges
Space, AI, military ethics, cybersecurity, integrated deterrence and climate change are just some of the topics being explored through nine new projects...

War Studies MA student wins London Defence Conference competition
Darius Kölsch presented on the ongoing war in Ukraine, which led him to win the "Future of Deterrence" presentation competition at the London Defence...

Day 1: The London Defence Conference 2024, Future Leaders Day
Leaders in security and defence from around the world are attending the annual London Defence Conference at King's this week.

London Defence Conference 2024 to focus on deterrence and countering rising global security threats
Leaders, policymakers, politicians, academics and industry experts will gather this May at King's College London to discuss threats, deterrence and policies...

Security Studies hosts international conference on maritime strategist Sir Julian Corbett
The Corbett 100 Conference explored the life and times of the important historian and strategist


Submerged Identity: Climate degradation and altered perceptions of diaspora and identity in Small Island Developing States
In a time of increased discourse surrounding the existential threat faced by Small Island Developing States (SIDS) as a result of climate insecurity, this...
Please note: this event has passed.

Overseeing the use of covert powers by the state: The role of the IPC
Students at King's will have the opportunity to hear from Sir Brian Leveson, the IPC, where he will share his insights into IPCO and its work, and his role as...

The politics of National Energy Transitions: sites of contestation, compliance and disregard for global climate action
Panel discussing the contestations, compliance and disregard for energy transition policymaking globally.
Please note: this event has passed.

Project Unity: Youth Perspectives on Countering Terrorism
This discussion will focus on how radicalisation can affect young people and the role we can all play in preventing the spread of extremism.
Please note: this event has passed.

Deep in the Eye and the Belly
Artist Sam Williams presents Deep in The Eye and The Belly, with Dr Sarah Lewis, Dr. Hillary Briffa, Richard Sabin (Natural History Museum)
Please note: this event has passed.

The Bravery, Pedestal and Beyond – A WWII Story of Shelter, Famine and Resistance
Join us to learn more about this remarkable episode, and the wider conflict being waged in the Mediterranean theatre.
Please note: this event has passed.

Sustainability Interdisciplinary Research Forum
This hybrid event will showcase sustainability research across King's and explore how interdisciplinary research can be strengthened.
Please note: this event has passed.

Multilingual Environments in the Great War
A Virtual book launch 'Languages and the First World War 3'
Please note: this event has passed.

Small States and COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities
A new voices seminar with Hilary Briffa
Please note: this event has passed.
How would the UK's approach to National Security change under a new government?
Three experts from the School of Security Studies explain the main national security tasks facing the government after the election and how the UK’s approach...

How do Small States conduct foreign policy?
MA student Charles Zawadzki shares insights about the visit of four diplomats at the Department of War Studies.


The First World War Research Group
The First World War Research Group brings together a wealth of expertise on military, diplomatic, social, and cultural aspects of the conflict.

Environmental Security research group
The Environmental Security research group brings together scholars from the security community and scholars working on issues of environmental security.

Climate & sustainability researchers at King’s
King's researchers working across climate and sustainability

Centre for Defence Studies
CDS is a world-leading Centre for Defence and security research, thought-leadership, consultancy and executive development run by director Professor John Gearson.

Research Centre in International Relations (RCIR)
The Research Centre in International Relations conducts research on practices of security and conflict, their transformation, and their social and political implications.
King's funds collaborative research into global security and defence challenges
Space, AI, military ethics, cybersecurity, integrated deterrence and climate change are just some of the topics being explored through nine new projects...

War Studies MA student wins London Defence Conference competition
Darius Kölsch presented on the ongoing war in Ukraine, which led him to win the "Future of Deterrence" presentation competition at the London Defence...

Day 1: The London Defence Conference 2024, Future Leaders Day
Leaders in security and defence from around the world are attending the annual London Defence Conference at King's this week.

London Defence Conference 2024 to focus on deterrence and countering rising global security threats
Leaders, policymakers, politicians, academics and industry experts will gather this May at King's College London to discuss threats, deterrence and policies...

Security Studies hosts international conference on maritime strategist Sir Julian Corbett
The Corbett 100 Conference explored the life and times of the important historian and strategist


Submerged Identity: Climate degradation and altered perceptions of diaspora and identity in Small Island Developing States
In a time of increased discourse surrounding the existential threat faced by Small Island Developing States (SIDS) as a result of climate insecurity, this...
Please note: this event has passed.

Overseeing the use of covert powers by the state: The role of the IPC
Students at King's will have the opportunity to hear from Sir Brian Leveson, the IPC, where he will share his insights into IPCO and its work, and his role as...

The politics of National Energy Transitions: sites of contestation, compliance and disregard for global climate action
Panel discussing the contestations, compliance and disregard for energy transition policymaking globally.
Please note: this event has passed.

Project Unity: Youth Perspectives on Countering Terrorism
This discussion will focus on how radicalisation can affect young people and the role we can all play in preventing the spread of extremism.
Please note: this event has passed.

Deep in the Eye and the Belly
Artist Sam Williams presents Deep in The Eye and The Belly, with Dr Sarah Lewis, Dr. Hillary Briffa, Richard Sabin (Natural History Museum)
Please note: this event has passed.

The Bravery, Pedestal and Beyond – A WWII Story of Shelter, Famine and Resistance
Join us to learn more about this remarkable episode, and the wider conflict being waged in the Mediterranean theatre.
Please note: this event has passed.

Sustainability Interdisciplinary Research Forum
This hybrid event will showcase sustainability research across King's and explore how interdisciplinary research can be strengthened.
Please note: this event has passed.

Multilingual Environments in the Great War
A Virtual book launch 'Languages and the First World War 3'
Please note: this event has passed.

Small States and COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities
A new voices seminar with Hilary Briffa
Please note: this event has passed.
How would the UK's approach to National Security change under a new government?
Three experts from the School of Security Studies explain the main national security tasks facing the government after the election and how the UK’s approach...

How do Small States conduct foreign policy?
MA student Charles Zawadzki shares insights about the visit of four diplomats at the Department of War Studies.