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Elisa  Cavatorta

Dr Elisa Cavatorta

Reader in Economics and Vice Dean (International) for the Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy


Dr Elisa Cavatorta is a Reader in Economics in the Department of Political Economy and Vice Dean (International) in the Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy.

Elisa holds a PhD in economics from Birkbeck, University of London. Before joining the department, she worked at the Institute for Fiscal Studies and the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.

Click here to view Dr Cavatorta's website.


Elisa’s research focuses on the study of conflict, the formation of individual preferences and beliefs, impact evaluation of policy interventions and the development of new measurement tools for applied research. Her research addresses questions like: how and why does living in a violent context shape the formation of people's preferences and beliefs? What factors drive the willingness and the ability to negotiate and cooperate? What conditions and interventions facilitate cooperation and improve socio-psychological wellbeing? She uses a variety of methods, including lab and field experiments, RCTs, large-N surveys and cohort studies. She has a regional expertise in the Middle East region. Check out her latest research.

Internationalisation and vice dean activities

Are you a King’s academic seeking funding for research and educational initiatives abroad? Check out this page and collaborative funding calls here (internal only).

Are you a Professional Service staff member looking for staff-exchanges opportunities abroad? Check out this page (internal only).

Are you a PhD researcher or a prospective one interested in Dual degrees or experiences abroad? Check out here.

Find out about King’s partners around the world here.

Do you want to propose a new formal partnership with another institution? A guidance note for new partnerships can be found here (internal only); check if there is an agreement in place already on this dashboard. Got a question? Contact me.

Would you like to partner with the Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy at KCL? Contact me.

Looking for the KCL Travel rules, forms and general guidance? They are here (internal only).

Office hours

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PhD supervision

Elisa welcomes PhD applications from potential students interested in the following topics:

  • Consequences of exposure to violence
  • Impact evaluation of educational and psychological interventions
  • Preference and beliefs formation and their heterogeneity
  • Anti-social behaviour prevention and attitude change



    security camera
    Political Economy of Peace and Conflict

    The Political Economy of Peace and Security research group analyses a wide range of conflicts, conflict resolution and institutional design for positive peace.

    quantative resized
    Quantitative Political Economy Research Group

    The Quantitative Political Economy research group gathers economists and political scientists that are committed to bridging the two disciplines. The common ground is the study politics and policies with advanced quantitative methods and formal modeling.

    Public Policy and Regulation Research Group

    Public Policy and Regulation (PPR) is the home for theoretically and empirically grounded research which analyses policy and regulatory responses to important political, social and economic issues, and (individual-level) responses to these policies.

    Global South Research Group

    The Global South research group brings together scholars engaged in research on international political and economic trends, non-European perspectives, and south-south comparisons.

    IoPPN Virtual Reality Lab

    The IoPPN Virtual Reality Research Lab (VR Lab) is a world-leading multidisciplinary group dedicated to VR based research, assessment and treatments to improve mental health, enhance well-being and promote resilience.


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    The winners of this year’s Borderless: the Digital Econometric Competition have been announced.


    Computer training helped reduce anxiety while boosting academic performance

    Computer-based training designed to reduce anxiety produces significant improvements in cognitive performance among women, a new study has shown.


    Study finds measures designed to counter violence may end up having opposite effect

    Policies designed to deter violence across borders might actually end up having the opposite effect, a new study has found.

    A border wall between Israel and the West Bank.

    Praise for students as results of Borderless 2020 competition are revealed

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    The competition brought together students from King's College London and the University of Queensland

    Visit from King's team helps build on academic partnership

    A special collaboration between King’s College London and a university in Egypt was celebrated during a visit by a team of academics.

    The King's College London team with staff and students at New Giza University, in Egypt.

    Students set to compete on an international scale

    Students at King’s College London will have the chance to compete on an international scale thanks to a new inter-university competition.

    Students from King's College London and the University of Queensland will be taking part.


      security camera
      Political Economy of Peace and Conflict

      The Political Economy of Peace and Security research group analyses a wide range of conflicts, conflict resolution and institutional design for positive peace.

      quantative resized
      Quantitative Political Economy Research Group

      The Quantitative Political Economy research group gathers economists and political scientists that are committed to bridging the two disciplines. The common ground is the study politics and policies with advanced quantitative methods and formal modeling.

      Public Policy and Regulation Research Group

      Public Policy and Regulation (PPR) is the home for theoretically and empirically grounded research which analyses policy and regulatory responses to important political, social and economic issues, and (individual-level) responses to these policies.

      Global South Research Group

      The Global South research group brings together scholars engaged in research on international political and economic trends, non-European perspectives, and south-south comparisons.

      IoPPN Virtual Reality Lab

      The IoPPN Virtual Reality Research Lab (VR Lab) is a world-leading multidisciplinary group dedicated to VR based research, assessment and treatments to improve mental health, enhance well-being and promote resilience.


      Survey work identifies set of possible peace agreements preferable for majority on both sides of conflict

      Survey work carried out in 2022 with Israeli and Palestinian citizens identified a set of peace agreements that were preferable to the then-status quo for...

      Map showing Israel and Gaza

      King's celebrates launch of new academic partnership

      A unique academic partnership between King’s College London and Seoul National University has officially been launched.


      Alumni present research to industry professionals at top conference

      Research on recent trends in software security by a group of alumni from the School of Politics and Economics was shortlisted to be presented at Bsides...

      The team at the BSides event

      Study finds exposure to conflict linked to retaliatory behaviour in children

      Palestinian children exposed to higher levels of conflict are more likely to engage in retaliatory behaviours, a new study has found.


      Winners of annual Borderless competition are announced

      The winners of this year’s Borderless: the Digital Econometric Competition have been announced.


      Computer training helped reduce anxiety while boosting academic performance

      Computer-based training designed to reduce anxiety produces significant improvements in cognitive performance among women, a new study has shown.


      Study finds measures designed to counter violence may end up having opposite effect

      Policies designed to deter violence across borders might actually end up having the opposite effect, a new study has found.

      A border wall between Israel and the West Bank.

      Praise for students as results of Borderless 2020 competition are revealed

      The winners of this year's Econometric Digital Competition have been announced.

      The competition brought together students from King's College London and the University of Queensland

      Visit from King's team helps build on academic partnership

      A special collaboration between King’s College London and a university in Egypt was celebrated during a visit by a team of academics.

      The King's College London team with staff and students at New Giza University, in Egypt.

      Students set to compete on an international scale

      Students at King’s College London will have the chance to compete on an international scale thanks to a new inter-university competition.

      Students from King's College London and the University of Queensland will be taking part.