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09 January 2023

Alumni present research to industry professionals at top conference

Research on recent trends in software security by a group of alumni from the School of Politics and Economics was shortlisted to be presented at Bsides London, a software security conference attended by academics and professionals.

The team at the BSides event

The group of nine alumni - Dimitrios Efthymiadis, Janina Kublbeck, Joao Pedro Sodre Freitas, Johannes Boch, Leonardo Vizioli, Linda Zeng, Paola Martos Collazos, Qiyang Guan, and Thomas Safar – studied advanced microeconometrics with Dr Elisa Cavatorta.

The research started as part of an assessment aimed to develop transferable data analysis skills with an innovative hands-on learning activity based on an industry-academia collaboration.

The collaboration was made possible through Dr Cavatorta's efforts to organise a partnership with a leading software security company. The company gave the students access to its data and later invited a group of students to present their findings to the research team and managers of the company.

Team members delivered a presentation to conference guests.
Team members delivered a presentation to conference guests.

The team of graduates worked tirelessly with Dr Cavatorta to improve the data analysis and visualisation of the results. This not only led to an impactful presentation to the partner company, but also to a successful conference submission. A few weeks later, the group delivered a professional talk at Bsides London on ‘Patterns, trends and practices in software security’ in front of a conference room with more than 80 attendees.

A member of the team said: “As someone building a career around data analysis, this has been an amazing experience. To see how more advanced statistical methods can be applied in a professional setting, such as survival analysis, has got me really excited about looking for more use-cases.”

Another said: “It has massively improved our public speaking and presentation skills. Good for any future career.”

Team members delivered a presentation to conference guests.
Team members delivered a presentation to conference guests.

In this story

Elisa  Cavatorta

Reader in Economics and Vice Dean (International) for the Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy