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11 February 2020

Students set to compete on an international scale

Students at King’s College London will have the chance to compete on an international scale thanks to a new inter-university competition.

Students from King's College London and the University of Queensland will be taking part.
Students from King's College London and the University of Queensland will be taking part.

Students from King’s will be joining with their peers from Queensland University in Australia as part of an econometrics competition, with the chance to claim one of several cash prizes for the winning teams.

It is a competition to provide students with a new opportunity to learn how to do good applied research in a fun way, organised by Dr Elisa Cavatorta, senior lecturer in political economy.

The deadline for entries in 13 February. Find out how you can take part below.

How does the competition work?

Students participating in the competition will be paired up with students from University of Queensland to form mixed teams of four people.

Teams will be given a research article and their task will be to critically analyse the article’s design, research methods and conclusions using econometric concepts learnt in quantitative methods and econometrics modules.
Working as a team will be key (online, perhaps via Skype, WhatsApp, Facetime, etc) in order to create and submit a five-minute video illustrating considerations about the research article. The video will be judged by an international panel of judges made of academics from Queensland and King’s College, as well as non-academics.

The teams

There will be up to 10 teams of four students (two students from each university per team) who will compete for a total prize pool of about £1,000 (about AUD 2,000). This will be split between the top three teams, so the chance of being among the finalists and taking home some prize is high.


1st: AUD 1,000 / GBP 515 (AUD250/GBP130 per student)

2nd: AUD  600 / GBP 310 (AUD150/GBP78 per student)

3rd:  AUD 400/ GBP 207 (AUD100/GBP52 per student)

Take part

You can apply to take part in the competition until 13 February. Submit your Expression of Interest by writing your name and email on this form here.

The competition runs from 17 February to 27 March. If you have any question please email Dr Cavatorta at

What are the benefits of taking part?

This competition is aimed at developing your employability skills by:

  • Developing a concrete piece of work, the video, that you can showcase to future employers
  • Having an experience on your CV that distinguishes from others (employers value the extra bits!)
  • Developing your econometrics skills in a fun way while making friends across the world


  • Terms and conditions
  • Task sheet and competition rules (to come, check back soon)
  • Marking criteria (to come, check back soon)

In this story

Elisa  Cavatorta

Reader in Economics and Vice Dean (International) for the Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy