Show by surname All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z James Ackroyd Lecturer in English for Academic Purposes Education Angela Agbanubu EAP Tutor Cecile Ajinça Learning Technologist Tom Alder Academic Skills Tutor Jessie Allen Programme Officer Fenny Amalo EAP Tutor Sarah Awoyera Senior Business Support Officer Mumtaz Ayub King's International Foundation Coordinator Aigiun Azimova EAP Tutor Ella Ballinger EAP Tutor Dawn Barnes Head of Portfolio Marketing Catherine Barnett Pre-sessional and Short Courses Assistant Coordinator 1 2 3 4 … 10 Next page
Pre-sessional English courses Our Pre-sessionals improve your academic English Language for study at King's.