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Students with long term health conditions (lasting for a year or more) that impact on their studies may benefit from a King’s Inclusion Plan KIP.

The KIP is a document you create in conjunction with a King’s Disability Adviser.

KIPs are designed to inform teaching staff that a student has a health condition and how it may affect study.

The Disability Adviser will recommend reasonable adjustments to be included in the KIP.

Once you are happy with the KIP it is sent to your academic team to implement the adjustments recommended to ensure you have a fair opportunity to participate in the course.

You do not have to consider yourself to be disabled to apply for a KIP.

Email for more information, or to request an appointment to discuss a KIP and other support available.

Disability Support & Inclusion has a team of Disability Advisers (Mental Health) who are experienced practitioners with mental health qualifications.

All staff in the service are experienced in supporting disabled people across the range of impairments and health conditions that can be considered disabilities, which includes long-term mental health conditions.

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For more information regarding our courses please contact us using the details below: Bush House South East Wing, Strand, London WC2R 1AE

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