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Stephen Till is Professor of Allergy and Consultant Allergist (Adults) at Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. He joined King's College London/GSTT in 2011 initially as HEFCE Clinical Senior Lecturer award holder.

Stephen is a clinician scientist and one of his major research interests is the development of novel forms of immunotherapy (sometimes also called ‘desensitisation’) to treat allergic diseases. He has performed a number of early phase (Phase II) clinical trials at King's College London/GSTT, two have been funded by NIHR. He recently completed the first clinical trial of peanut oral immunotherapy in adults and is currently chief investigator of the ARIAS trial, which is evaluating a new class of biologic agent for treatment of allergic disease.  He has a longstanding  interest in immunological mechanisms of type 2 inflammatory responses, including the changes that occur during immunotherapy. A current project is evaluating the role of IL-25 pathways in eosinophilic nasal polyposis and another is examining clinical, histological and transcriptomic profiles in chronic spontaneous urticaria (believed to be an autoimmune disorder of the skin associated with mast cell activation) with a view to identifying possible endotypes and targets for therapy.

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Professor Stephen Till - Professor of Allergy and Consultant Allergist

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