Professor Stephen Till
Professor of Allergy
Research interests
- Biomedical and life sciences
Stephen Till is a Professor of Allergy and Consultant Allergist (Adults) at Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals.
Steve graduated as a scholar from Oxford where he studied for a science degree before completing a PhD in Allergy at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London. He then decided to pursue medical training as a postgraduate student at University College London. He undertook 5 years of speciality training in Allergy at the Royal Brompton Hospital alongside continuing research (2006-11). In 2009 he received the World Allergy Organisation Henning Lowenstein Award for allergy research. Steve moved to King's after completing his specialist training in 2011.
For many years his research interest has been the immune response to grass pollen allergens and the effects of immunotherapy but he also has significant interests in the human respiratory mucosal T cell responses and clinical food allergy in adults.

Till Group
Working on development of novel forms of immunotherapy to treat allergic diseases.
Measuring grass pollen allergens instead of grass pollen count will help hay fever sufferers
Measuring airborne grass allergen levels instead of pollen counts will be more beneficial for hay fever sufferers as new research shows grass allergen levels...


Till Group
Working on development of novel forms of immunotherapy to treat allergic diseases.
Measuring grass pollen allergens instead of grass pollen count will help hay fever sufferers
Measuring airborne grass allergen levels instead of pollen counts will be more beneficial for hay fever sufferers as new research shows grass allergen levels...