Our research focuses on (i) the elucidation of molecular mechanisms of erythropoiesis (red blood cell differentiation), (ii) the pathophysiology of red cell disorders with a focus on sickle cell disease and (iii) the genetics underlying the persistence of foetal haemoglobin. We are employing a combination of cutting-edge molecular, cellular, genetic, genomic and bioinformatic tools, to elucidate the molecular pathways of erythroid differentiation in health and in disease, with the aim of developing improved diagnostics and novel effective treatments for red cell disorders. Our research laboratory consists of basic scientists and clinical fellows working closely with clinicians at King’s College Hospital and Guy’s Hospital and in collaboration with other research groups throughout the world (see list of partners). Our research is supported by grants from the Medical Research Council, Action Medical Research and the European Union.
Our Partners

Action Medical Research

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions