Professor John Strouboulis
Chair in Molecular Erythropoiesis
Research interests
- Biomedical and life sciences
- Cancer
- Pharmacy
John Strouboulis was appointed Professor and Chair in Molecular Erythropoiesis at King’s College London in 2018. He is an expert in the transcriptional and epigenetic regulation of red blood cell differentiation (or erythropoiesis) using proteomic, genomic and functional approaches. He has made important contributions in our understanding of human globin gene regulation in vivo and of key transcription factor functions in erythropoiesis. Together with clinical colleagues and human geneticists, John Strouboulis is developing a translational research programme in sickle cell disease and other red cell disorders at King's.
John did his PhD at the MRC-National Institute for Medical Research in London on the developmental regulation of the human β-globin locus and a postdoctoral fellowship at the National Institutes of Health on Polycomb Group. Subsequently, John joined the Department of Cell Biology at the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, Netherlands, as a Marie Curie Fellow and later as a senior staff scientist. Prior to his appointment at King's, John Strouboulis was Research Professor at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology-FORTH in Heraklion, Crete, Greece and, prior to that, he was a senior group leader at the “Alexander Fleming” Biomedical Sciences Research Center in Athens, Greece. He has been awarded EMBO and HFSPO postdoctoral fellowships and a Wellcome Senior Research Fellowship. His research is presently funded by the MRC, The European Union and Action Medical Research. His research lab has also received support by the Chartwell Cancer Trust and KCH Charity.

Red Cell Haematology
Red Cell Haematology

Prenatal ThERapy for SIckle CelL disEaSe (PERICLES)
To generate new knowledge about stakeholders' views on prenatal therapy for Sickle Cell Disease, identify ethical issues and establish protocols for support.
Project status: Ongoing
Celebrating recent Grant and Fellowship successes for the School of Cancer & Pharmaceutical Sciences
A comprehensive round up of recent successes for Academics across the Institute of Pharmaceutical Science and the Comprehensive Cancer Centre.

Transforming the lives of people with Sickle Cell Disorder
How a new Sickle Cell Centre for Excellence at King’s and King’s Health Partners is leading the way in tackling one of the most common genetic blood diseases...
![Image by Ed Uthman [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/]](/newimages/alumni/hero-feature-1800x500/research-in-action-spotlight-header-by-ed-uthman.xe2321007.jpg?f=webp)

Red Cell Haematology
Red Cell Haematology

Prenatal ThERapy for SIckle CelL disEaSe (PERICLES)
To generate new knowledge about stakeholders' views on prenatal therapy for Sickle Cell Disease, identify ethical issues and establish protocols for support.
Project status: Ongoing
Celebrating recent Grant and Fellowship successes for the School of Cancer & Pharmaceutical Sciences
A comprehensive round up of recent successes for Academics across the Institute of Pharmaceutical Science and the Comprehensive Cancer Centre.

Transforming the lives of people with Sickle Cell Disorder
How a new Sickle Cell Centre for Excellence at King’s and King’s Health Partners is leading the way in tackling one of the most common genetic blood diseases...
![Image by Ed Uthman [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/]](/newimages/alumni/hero-feature-1800x500/research-in-action-spotlight-header-by-ed-uthman.xe2321007.jpg?f=webp)