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The 4200 TapeStation system is a high-throughput automated electrophoresis platform for nucleic acid sample quality control. It allows fully automated, easy, and reliable analysis of DNA and RNA samples for up to 96 samples per run. 

Agilent offers a variety of ScreenTape consumables and reagents for the Agilent TapeStation systems.

Learn more about Agilent ScreenTape Consumables and Reagents

At the moment we offer only DNA High Sensitivity D1000 and DNA High Sensitivity D5000 assay.

Feel free to reach out to inquire about prices and access. Additionally, training is available upon request.

Price is £11.68 per hour (min booking is 1 hour)

Contact us:

Lab 1.29A Office 1.32A 1st floor, New Hunt’s House, Great Maze Pond, Guy's Campus, King's College London London, SE1 1UL United Kingdom