Technology & Science

CPLAS: New perspectives in photocatalysis and near-surface chemistry: catalysis meets plasmonics
A six-year programme grant funded by EPSRC and industry project partners to investigate light-driven energy-conversion at the nanoscale for stimulating chemical transformations.
The project aims to advance a new field of research called "plasmo-catalysis", which will take the light-harvesting capabilities of metallic nanostructures and transform this energy to control chemical reaction pathways in photocatalysis and photo-electrocatalysis. The research has the potential for wide-reaching applications in energy production, environmental clean-up & the pharmaceutical industry.
Our Partners

Cardiff University

University College London
Project status: Ongoing

Principal Investigator
Project websites
Funding Body: The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
Amount: £7,902,074
Period: May 2022 - May 2028