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Wayne Dickson

Dr Wayne Dickson

Reader in Experimental Nanophotonics

  • Admissions Tutor

Research interests

  • Physics



  • Deposition and characterisation of thin-films via sputtering and atomic layer deposition (thermal and plasma enhanced)
  • Top-down and bottom-up nanofabrication
  • Metamaterials and plasmonics
  • Ultra-sensitive optical sensing (chemical and biological)
  • Nonlinear Optics
  • Electrochemistry and photo-electrochemistry
  • Plasmonic photo-catalysis

Dr Dickson’s primary research aims concern the development of novel and sustainable optical materials for applications in NetZero, ultrasensitive chemical and biological sensing and photo-catalysis.


Dr Dickson currently teaches two undergraduate courses, Optics and Fundamentals of Nanotechnology.  He currently supervises three PhD students and regularly supervises BSc MSci and MSc projects.


    THUMB PAGE Laser Trap
    Photonics & Nanotechnology

    The research in the group involves the development and applications of advanced photonic technologies and of novel nanomaterials to address modern challenges in photonic and quantum technologies, new nanostructured materials, sensing, imaging and clean energy.

    LCN image-01
    London Centre for Nanotechnology

    The London Centre for Nanotechnology is a UK-based multidisciplinary enterprise operating at the forefront of science and technology. Its purpose is to solve global problems in information processing, healthcare, energy and the environment through the application of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

    GaP disks on a photoelectrode for enhanced water splitting Ludwig Hüttenhofer
    CPLAS: New perspectives in photocatalysis and near-surface chemistry: catalysis meets plasmonics

    EPSRC programme grant investigating light-driven energy-conversion at the nanoscale for stimulating chemical transformations.

    Project status: Ongoing


    NMES academic promotions

    New readers and senior lecturers in NMES


    King's researcher leads £10 million EPSRC grant investigating light-driven energy-conversion

    Could the world’s most abundant energy source – light – solve one of the most pressing demands for a sustainable society, reducing the energy required in key...

    Disks on a photoelectrode for enhanced water splitting

    Nanostrand newsletter available for download

    Nanostrand is the newsletter for the Photonics & Nanotechnology Group and the Biological Physics and Soft Matter Group in the Department of Physics.

    Photonics & Nanotechnology Group

    Department of Physics opens new suite of photonics and nanofabrication laboratories

    A new suite of photonics and nanofabrication laboratories has been officially opened on the King’s Strand Campus. The photonics laboratories house...

    Cleanroom. Image credit: Maggie Luckhurst

    NMES Women in Science Week 2016

    On Wednesday 5 October we held our own Ada Lovelace Day in the Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, an event to round off a week of activities to...

    I Love Ada badges

    Discover Science: Ada Lovelace Schools Celebration

    Women in Science Week at King’s College London is not only intended to celebrate the incredible women already working and studying in the Faculty of Natural &...

    I Love Ada badges



    KCL Womxn in Physics Conference 2025

    Join us in-person for a day of talks, activities and panel discussions.

    Please note: this event has passed.


    10th London Plasmonics Forum 2024

    The London Plasmonics forum will be hosted at King's College London

    Please note: this event has passed.


    Students welcomed to King's for first ever STEM work experience week

    30 students from secondary schools across London joined the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences (NMES,) for an interactive week exploring...

    Work Experience Week - Website Types and Entries Feature Hero Image 1903 x 558 px


      THUMB PAGE Laser Trap
      Photonics & Nanotechnology

      The research in the group involves the development and applications of advanced photonic technologies and of novel nanomaterials to address modern challenges in photonic and quantum technologies, new nanostructured materials, sensing, imaging and clean energy.

      LCN image-01
      London Centre for Nanotechnology

      The London Centre for Nanotechnology is a UK-based multidisciplinary enterprise operating at the forefront of science and technology. Its purpose is to solve global problems in information processing, healthcare, energy and the environment through the application of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

      GaP disks on a photoelectrode for enhanced water splitting Ludwig Hüttenhofer
      CPLAS: New perspectives in photocatalysis and near-surface chemistry: catalysis meets plasmonics

      EPSRC programme grant investigating light-driven energy-conversion at the nanoscale for stimulating chemical transformations.

      Project status: Ongoing


      NMES academic promotions

      New readers and senior lecturers in NMES


      King's researcher leads £10 million EPSRC grant investigating light-driven energy-conversion

      Could the world’s most abundant energy source – light – solve one of the most pressing demands for a sustainable society, reducing the energy required in key...

      Disks on a photoelectrode for enhanced water splitting

      Nanostrand newsletter available for download

      Nanostrand is the newsletter for the Photonics & Nanotechnology Group and the Biological Physics and Soft Matter Group in the Department of Physics.

      Photonics & Nanotechnology Group

      Department of Physics opens new suite of photonics and nanofabrication laboratories

      A new suite of photonics and nanofabrication laboratories has been officially opened on the King’s Strand Campus. The photonics laboratories house...

      Cleanroom. Image credit: Maggie Luckhurst

      NMES Women in Science Week 2016

      On Wednesday 5 October we held our own Ada Lovelace Day in the Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, an event to round off a week of activities to...

      I Love Ada badges

      Discover Science: Ada Lovelace Schools Celebration

      Women in Science Week at King’s College London is not only intended to celebrate the incredible women already working and studying in the Faculty of Natural &...

      I Love Ada badges



      KCL Womxn in Physics Conference 2025

      Join us in-person for a day of talks, activities and panel discussions.

      Please note: this event has passed.


      10th London Plasmonics Forum 2024

      The London Plasmonics forum will be hosted at King's College London

      Please note: this event has passed.


      Students welcomed to King's for first ever STEM work experience week

      30 students from secondary schools across London joined the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences (NMES,) for an interactive week exploring...

      Work Experience Week - Website Types and Entries Feature Hero Image 1903 x 558 px