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Peacebuilding scholars have long argued for the need to understand the varied and unique ways created and deployed in peacebuilding efforts for and with children and youth. This includes giving due consideration to the role of creative and arts-based approaches in peacebuilding efforts involving children and youth as important stakeholders in the peacebuilding process.

Children, Youth, Peace and the Arts (CYPA) brings together academics, PhD students, early career researchers, and practitioners from across King’s with a shared vision of the importance of the arts when involving children and youth in peacebuilding. We also collaborate with experts on children, youth, peace, and the arts from a wider network of researchers and practitioners in the UK and internationally. In doing so, CYPA enables transdisciplinary dialogues between academics, practitioners, and policy-makers – locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally – on issues related to:

  • children/youth and peacebuilding
  • arts and peacebuilding
  • the nexus of children/youth, arts, and peacebuilding

We also provide a platform for members to showcase their excellent and innovative research and impact in dealing with critical societal issues in the sphere of children, youth, peace, and the arts.

The CYPA therefore provides a unique forum for collaborations in research, policy and practice, both for and with children, and provides a stimulating, welcoming and creative space for interdisciplinary collaboration within a mutually supporting environment.

External members

  • Primitivo III Cabanes Ragandang, Australian National University
  • Prof Stacey Hynd, Exeter
  • Dagmar Punter, Tilburg University
  • Yulia Nesterova, Glasgow
  • Aoife Nolan, Nottingham
  • Alice König, St Andrews
  • Iuliia Hoban, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • Jaremey McMullin, St Andrews
  • Lesley Pruitt, University of Melbourne
  • Lydia Cole, Sussex
  • Krijn Peters, Swansea
  • Sayra van den Berg, York
  • Helen Berents, Griffith University
  • Bahar Baser, Durham
  • Yelyzaveta Hrechaniuk, Linköping University, Sweden
  • Anna Katila, City University of London
  • Diksha Poddar, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
  • Kate MacKenzie, St Andrews
  • Patricia Nabuco Martuscelli, Sheffield
  • Allyson Edwards, Bath Spa
  • Stefanie Kappler, Durham
  • Diksha Poddar, Jawaharlal Nehru University
  • Berit Bliesemann de Guevara, Aberystwyth
  • Sarah Huxley, University of Lincoln
  • Audrey Williams, George Mason University

Organisational members

  • Dr Joseph Nkurunziza, Executive Director, Never Again Rwanda
  • Debby Karemera, Strategic Peacebuilding Advisor, Never Again Rwanda
  • Katie Salari, CEO, Never Such Innocence
  • Will Dalziel, Director of Programmes, Never Such Innocence
  • Phanuel Sindayiheba, Director of Programmes, Komezubutwari
  • Gakire Dieudonné, Founder, Dusego Empowerment Hub Rwanda
  • Fidele Nsengiyaremye, Executive Director, GAERG Rwanda

Our Partners

Sauti Art Rwanda

Sauti Art Rwanda

Save the Children

Save the Children Indonesia

Saung Angklung Udjo

Saung Anklung Udjo

Kemezubutwari Nyange

Kemezubutwari Nyange Association