Peacebuilding scholars have long argued for the need to understand the varied and unique ways created and deployed in peacebuilding efforts for and with children and youth. This includes giving due consideration to the role of creative and arts-based approaches in peacebuilding efforts involving children and youth as important stakeholders in the peacebuilding process.
Children, Youth, Peace and the Arts (CYPA) brings together academics, PhD students, early career researchers, and practitioners from across King’s with a shared vision of the importance of the arts when involving children and youth in peacebuilding. We also collaborate with experts on children, youth, peace, and the arts from a wider network of researchers and practitioners in the UK and internationally. In doing so, CYPA enables transdisciplinary dialogues between academics, practitioners, and policy-makers – locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally – on issues related to:
- children/youth and peacebuilding
- arts and peacebuilding
- the nexus of children/youth, arts, and peacebuilding
We also provide a platform for members to showcase their excellent and innovative research and impact in dealing with critical societal issues in the sphere of children, youth, peace, and the arts.
The CYPA therefore provides a unique forum for collaborations in research, policy and practice, both for and with children, and provides a stimulating, welcoming and creative space for interdisciplinary collaboration within a mutually supporting environment.
External members
- Primitivo III Cabanes Ragandang, Australian National University
- Prof Stacey Hynd, Exeter
- Dagmar Punter, Tilburg University
- Yulia Nesterova, Glasgow
- Aoife Nolan, Nottingham
- Alice König, St Andrews
- Iuliia Hoban, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
- Jaremey McMullin, St Andrews
- Lesley Pruitt, University of Melbourne
- Lydia Cole, Sussex
- Krijn Peters, Swansea
- Sayra van den Berg, York
- Helen Berents, Griffith University
- Bahar Baser, Durham
- Yelyzaveta Hrechaniuk, Linköping University, Sweden
- Anna Katila, City University of London
- Diksha Poddar, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
- Kate MacKenzie, St Andrews
- Patricia Nabuco Martuscelli, Sheffield
- Allyson Edwards, Bath Spa
- Stefanie Kappler, Durham
- Diksha Poddar, Jawaharlal Nehru University
- Berit Bliesemann de Guevara, Aberystwyth
- Sarah Huxley, University of Lincoln
- Audrey Williams, George Mason University
Organisational members
- Dr Joseph Nkurunziza, Executive Director, Never Again Rwanda
- Debby Karemera, Strategic Peacebuilding Advisor, Never Again Rwanda
- Katie Salari, CEO, Never Such Innocence
- Will Dalziel, Director of Programmes, Never Such Innocence
- Phanuel Sindayiheba, Director of Programmes, Komezubutwari
- Gakire Dieudonné, Founder, Dusego Empowerment Hub Rwanda
- Fidele Nsengiyaremye, Executive Director, GAERG Rwanda

Coming soon - Special issue for 'Peacebuilding' journal
'Peacebuilding' is a peer-reviewed international, comparative, multidisciplinary journal on making peace in contemporary and historical cases of conflict-affected societies.

Coming soon - Writing workshop
This one-day FRIF funded writing workshop will be for selected CYPA members who will contribute content for the special issue of the 'Peacebuilding' journal. This will be an opportunity for contributors to get peer feedback on their work.

Inter-generational Peace (GENPEACE)
In GENPEACE, the project works through Yayasan Save the Children Indonesia, cultural artists from Bandung province namely Saung Anklung Udjo, and existing government-sponsored Children’s Forums in collaboration with the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection in Bandung and Jakarta. The novel aim of this project is to go beyond sharing and presenting children’s views in formal ways and instead explore creating two-way or dialogic communication between participating children and targeted policymakers using the arts during the government's development planning meetings, the forum anak. Through arts-based participatory methods, including musical drama with the traditional Bamboo Angklung instrument, digital videos involving song, dance, poetry recitation, and photo narrative exhibits, GENPEACE will create new structures for intergenerational communication in Bandung and beyond. We have been training and working with 30 children and youth facilitators includes those with disability, the GENPEACE ambassadors from the children’s forums (formal and informal in Bandung district), to report on children’s rights issues at the Musrenbang (local participatory planning at the community level) through arts and digital-based advocacy including podcasts with policy makers.
Additional Projects
Jeannette Rodgers
- Rodgers, J. Child Participation in Transitional Justice – The Case of Rwanda. Springer [forthcoming]
- Rodgers, J. and Karemera, D. ‘Child participation, the creative arts, and transitional justice in Rwanda.’ Peacebuilding [forthcoming]
Primitivo III Cabanes Ragandang
- Ragandang, P., 2024 (forthcoming). Through the ballads: peace formation as remembering the past (Book Chapter). Edinburgh University Press.
- Ragandang, P. and Podder, S., 2022. Youth inclusion in peace processes: the case of the Bangsamoro transition authority in Mindanao, Philippines. Conflict, Security & Development, pp.1-20.
- Ragandang, P., 2022. What are they writing for? Peace research as an impermeable metropole. Peacebuilding, 10(3), pp.265-277
Stacey Hynd
- Hynd S. (2024) Trauma, Violence, and Memory in African Child Soldier Memoirs, The Palgrave Handbook of Violence in Africa, Springer Nature, 409-435, DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-40754-3_19.
- Project: PI of AHRC Grant ‘Children of War: Evolving Local and Global Understandings of Child Soldiering in African Conflicts, c.1940-2000’, AH/X00399X/1
Dagmar Punter
- Guest contribution by Dagmar Punter: “This is supposed to look like a dove” — engaging the public, visualizing peace (Part I). Available at:
- Guest contribution by Dagmar Punter: The researcher as curator — extending or limiting visual peace literacy? (Part 2). Available at:
Yulia Nesterova
- (forthcoming) Sarah Anderson & Yulia Nesterova, Engaging young people in peace education research: Using an arts-based approach to gain congruence with democratic methods. International Journal of Qualitative Methods.
- Past project on using arts-based methods to engage youth to discuss peace. Lecture:
Alice Konig
- Project: Visualising War and Peace project:
Iullia Hoban
- Hook, K., & Hoban, I. (2023). Children’s Agency and Co-Construction of Everyday Militarism(s): Representations and Realities of War in Ukrainian Children’s Art, 2014-2022. In H. Berents & M. Beier (Eds.), Children, Childhoods and Global Politics. Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press.
- Hoban, I. (2022). Militarization of Childhood(s) in Donbas: “Growing Together with the Republic. Cooperation and Conflict 57(1), 108-209.
Jaramey McMullin
- 2022; ‘“What Is the Benefit of this Project?” Representation and Participation in Research on Conflict-Affected Youth,’ Conflict, Security & Development, 22:5, 517–541.
- 2022; ‘Hustling, Cycling, Peacebuilding: Narrating Reintegration through Livelihood in Liberia,’ Review of International Studies, 48:1, 67–90.
- Project: Motorcycling as Peacebuilding in Liberia:
- Project: Liberia - Legacies of Peace documentary short film series:
Lesley Pruitt
- Lee-Koo, Katrina and Pruitt, Lesley. 2024. “Prospects for Intergenerational Peace Leadership: Reflections from Asia and the Pacific.” Cooperation and Conflict. Published online ahead of print. Available at:
- Pruitt, Lesley. 2021. “Youth, Peace and Security: Gender Matters in Asia and the Pacific” Global Change, Peace & Security. 33(3): 241-257.
- Pruitt, Lesley J. 2021. “Participatory Video: A New Outlook for International Relations (IR) Research?” Australian Journal of International Affairs. 75(2): 142-160.
- Djohar, Zubaidah and Pruitt, Lesley. 2021. “Creating an Intergenerational Feminist Peace? Global Research and a Case Study from Aceh, Indonesia.” In Väyrynen, Tarja; Féron, Élise; Medie, Peace; Parashar, Swati; and Confortini, Catia (eds.) Handbook of Feminist Peace Research. New York: Routledge. pp. 333-342.
- Pruitt, Lesley. 2020. “Revisiting ‘womenandchildren’ in Peace and Security: What About the Girls Caught In Between?” In Beier, Marshall (ed.) Discovering Childhood in International Relations. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 199-218.
Lydia Cole
- Bliesemann de Guevara, Berit, & Cole, Lydia. 2024. 'Art and Peacebuilding' Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. Oxford University Press.
- Cole, Lydia (2024) 'Street Arts Festival Mostar: Curatorial agency, spatial transformation and artpeace formation.' In Birte Vogel, Stefanie Kappler & Oliver Richmond (eds.), The Art of Peace Formation Arts-Based Social Movements, Opportunities and Blockages. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 93-115.
Mayssoun Sukarieh
- Sukarieh, M. (2023). A Global Idea: Youth, City Networks, and the Struggle for the Arab World. Cornell University Press.
Bahar Baser
- Baser, B., & Bocu, G. (2024). Youth Responses to State-Manufactured Diaspora Mobilization: Turkey's Diaspora Governance and the Politics of Selective Engagement. Globalizations,
- Baser, B., & Fazil, S. (2021). " They Hear Us but They Do not Listen to Us”: Youth Narratives on Hope and Despair in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 16.
- Böcü, G., & Baser, B. (2024). Transnational mobilization of future generations by non-democratic home states: Turkey’s diaspora youth between empowerment and co-optation. Ethnopolitics, 23(1), 34-58.
- Toivanen, M., & Baser, B. (2022). Diasporas, development and the second generation. In Routledge International Handbook of Diaspora Diplomacy (pp. 366-378). Routledge.
- Baser, B., & Toivanen, M. (2024). Inherited traumas in diaspora: postmemory, past-presencing and mobilisation of second-generation Kurds in Europe. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 47(2), 297-320.
Patricia Nabuco Martuscelli
- Martuscelli, P. N., & Villa, R. D. (2018). Child soldiers as peace-builders in Colombian peace talks between the government and the FARC–EP. Conflict, security & development, 18(5), 387-408.
- Martuscelli, P. N., & Bandarra, L. (2020). Triply silenced agents: cognitive structures and girl soldiers in Colombia. Critical Studies on Security, 8(3), 223-239.
- Martuscelli, P. N., Paiva, G. A. A. D., Pereira, C. D. A., & Silva, B. K. P. D. (2024). How does IR study children? A Brazilian perspective from the field. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, 67(1), e002.
- Martuscelli, P. N. (2019). Where are The Girl Soldiers? Gender and Armed Conflict in Colombia. Cadernos Pagu, e195519.
Diksha Poddar
- Poddar, Diksha (2022), Youth and Peacebuilding. In Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict (3rd ed.), Lester R. Kurtz (ed.), pp. 554-561, Elsevier: Academic Press.
- Poddar, Diksha (2024, forthcoming), Youth and Arts: Experiments, Synergies and Critiques, Journal of Applied Youth Studies, 7(2).
- Poddar, Diksha (2020), "Now, It was a War of The Viola": Youth, Music and Creative Pedagogies, Peace Prints, 6(1), ISSN: 2582-7871.
Berit Bliesemann de Guevara
- Project: PI of the Network plus Creating Safer Space which supports research on unarmed civilian protection and community self-protection, using a range of arts-based methods
- Project: Co-PI of the project Des-tejeindo miradas (Un-stitching gazes) which uses textile narratives and resonances as methods to reflect on the peace process in Colombia and has, over the last two years, mainly worked with youth in Bogota, Cali, Medellin and Popayan (Colombia)

The Big Help Out: One-off Pick & Pack volunteering at Little Village Baby Bank
The Big Help Out
Please note: this event has passed.
4 March 2024 - SEA Today: Indonesia Bandung City Government holded an event to promote Childen's participation
- Sea Morning Show (From 32:43)
4 March 2024 - Panca Sora Performance, the First Development Planning in Indonesia to Involve Children
In collaboration with Save the Children Indonesia through the GenPeace programme, the Ministry of PPPA and Saung Angklung Udjo, the Bandung City Government created an alternative model of delivering children's voices through a cultural arts approach.
4 March 2024 - Absorbing Children's Voices, Bandung City Government Holds Panca Sora Children's Show at Saung Angklung Mang Udjo
To absorb the voices of children, the city government organised a performance called Anak Panca Sora.
4 March 2024 - Bandung City Government Holds Panca Sora Children's Performance
The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) continues to be committed to involving children's participation in a more child-friendly development planning process, as well as a form of fulfilling the five clusters in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
4 March - Raising Children's Issues in Development Through Panca Sora Art
The Panca Sora children's performance which was enlivened by 9 groups of children and young people in Bandung City succeeded in wowing the audience at Saung Angklung Udjo, Sunday, (3/3/2024). The performance was held with the aim of conveying children's voices through local cultural arts performances.
4 March - KemenPPPA and Save the Children help voice children's concerns
The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KemenPPPA) collaborated with the Save the Children Indonesia Foundation through the Genpeace Program to hold a Panca Sora performance to help Bandung City children voice their individual concerns at the 2024 Bandung City Musrenbang.
3 March 2024 - Bandung City Government is Committed to Involving Children in the Development Planning Process
The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) continues to be committed to involving children's participation in a more child-friendly development planning process, as well as a form of fulfilling the five clusters in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
3 March 2024 - Forming Children's Participation in Development Planning, Bandung City Government Holds Panca Sora Performance
In order to involve children's participation in the development planning process , the Bandung City Government is holding a Panca Sora performance.
3 March 2024 - Bandung City Government Involves Children in the Development Planning Process Through Arts and Culture
The Bandung City Government involves children's participation in the development planning process that is more child-friendly , as well as a form of fulfilling the five clusters in the children's rights convention.

Coming soon - Special issue for 'Peacebuilding' journal
'Peacebuilding' is a peer-reviewed international, comparative, multidisciplinary journal on making peace in contemporary and historical cases of conflict-affected societies.

Coming soon - Writing workshop
This one-day FRIF funded writing workshop will be for selected CYPA members who will contribute content for the special issue of the 'Peacebuilding' journal. This will be an opportunity for contributors to get peer feedback on their work.

Inter-generational Peace (GENPEACE)
In GENPEACE, the project works through Yayasan Save the Children Indonesia, cultural artists from Bandung province namely Saung Anklung Udjo, and existing government-sponsored Children’s Forums in collaboration with the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection in Bandung and Jakarta. The novel aim of this project is to go beyond sharing and presenting children’s views in formal ways and instead explore creating two-way or dialogic communication between participating children and targeted policymakers using the arts during the government's development planning meetings, the forum anak. Through arts-based participatory methods, including musical drama with the traditional Bamboo Angklung instrument, digital videos involving song, dance, poetry recitation, and photo narrative exhibits, GENPEACE will create new structures for intergenerational communication in Bandung and beyond. We have been training and working with 30 children and youth facilitators includes those with disability, the GENPEACE ambassadors from the children’s forums (formal and informal in Bandung district), to report on children’s rights issues at the Musrenbang (local participatory planning at the community level) through arts and digital-based advocacy including podcasts with policy makers.
Additional Projects
Jeannette Rodgers
- Rodgers, J. Child Participation in Transitional Justice – The Case of Rwanda. Springer [forthcoming]
- Rodgers, J. and Karemera, D. ‘Child participation, the creative arts, and transitional justice in Rwanda.’ Peacebuilding [forthcoming]
Primitivo III Cabanes Ragandang
- Ragandang, P., 2024 (forthcoming). Through the ballads: peace formation as remembering the past (Book Chapter). Edinburgh University Press.
- Ragandang, P. and Podder, S., 2022. Youth inclusion in peace processes: the case of the Bangsamoro transition authority in Mindanao, Philippines. Conflict, Security & Development, pp.1-20.
- Ragandang, P., 2022. What are they writing for? Peace research as an impermeable metropole. Peacebuilding, 10(3), pp.265-277
Stacey Hynd
- Hynd S. (2024) Trauma, Violence, and Memory in African Child Soldier Memoirs, The Palgrave Handbook of Violence in Africa, Springer Nature, 409-435, DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-40754-3_19.
- Project: PI of AHRC Grant ‘Children of War: Evolving Local and Global Understandings of Child Soldiering in African Conflicts, c.1940-2000’, AH/X00399X/1
Dagmar Punter
- Guest contribution by Dagmar Punter: “This is supposed to look like a dove” — engaging the public, visualizing peace (Part I). Available at:
- Guest contribution by Dagmar Punter: The researcher as curator — extending or limiting visual peace literacy? (Part 2). Available at:
Yulia Nesterova
- (forthcoming) Sarah Anderson & Yulia Nesterova, Engaging young people in peace education research: Using an arts-based approach to gain congruence with democratic methods. International Journal of Qualitative Methods.
- Past project on using arts-based methods to engage youth to discuss peace. Lecture:
Alice Konig
- Project: Visualising War and Peace project:
Iullia Hoban
- Hook, K., & Hoban, I. (2023). Children’s Agency and Co-Construction of Everyday Militarism(s): Representations and Realities of War in Ukrainian Children’s Art, 2014-2022. In H. Berents & M. Beier (Eds.), Children, Childhoods and Global Politics. Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press.
- Hoban, I. (2022). Militarization of Childhood(s) in Donbas: “Growing Together with the Republic. Cooperation and Conflict 57(1), 108-209.
Jaramey McMullin
- 2022; ‘“What Is the Benefit of this Project?” Representation and Participation in Research on Conflict-Affected Youth,’ Conflict, Security & Development, 22:5, 517–541.
- 2022; ‘Hustling, Cycling, Peacebuilding: Narrating Reintegration through Livelihood in Liberia,’ Review of International Studies, 48:1, 67–90.
- Project: Motorcycling as Peacebuilding in Liberia:
- Project: Liberia - Legacies of Peace documentary short film series:
Lesley Pruitt
- Lee-Koo, Katrina and Pruitt, Lesley. 2024. “Prospects for Intergenerational Peace Leadership: Reflections from Asia and the Pacific.” Cooperation and Conflict. Published online ahead of print. Available at:
- Pruitt, Lesley. 2021. “Youth, Peace and Security: Gender Matters in Asia and the Pacific” Global Change, Peace & Security. 33(3): 241-257.
- Pruitt, Lesley J. 2021. “Participatory Video: A New Outlook for International Relations (IR) Research?” Australian Journal of International Affairs. 75(2): 142-160.
- Djohar, Zubaidah and Pruitt, Lesley. 2021. “Creating an Intergenerational Feminist Peace? Global Research and a Case Study from Aceh, Indonesia.” In Väyrynen, Tarja; Féron, Élise; Medie, Peace; Parashar, Swati; and Confortini, Catia (eds.) Handbook of Feminist Peace Research. New York: Routledge. pp. 333-342.
- Pruitt, Lesley. 2020. “Revisiting ‘womenandchildren’ in Peace and Security: What About the Girls Caught In Between?” In Beier, Marshall (ed.) Discovering Childhood in International Relations. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 199-218.
Lydia Cole
- Bliesemann de Guevara, Berit, & Cole, Lydia. 2024. 'Art and Peacebuilding' Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. Oxford University Press.
- Cole, Lydia (2024) 'Street Arts Festival Mostar: Curatorial agency, spatial transformation and artpeace formation.' In Birte Vogel, Stefanie Kappler & Oliver Richmond (eds.), The Art of Peace Formation Arts-Based Social Movements, Opportunities and Blockages. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 93-115.
Mayssoun Sukarieh
- Sukarieh, M. (2023). A Global Idea: Youth, City Networks, and the Struggle for the Arab World. Cornell University Press.
Bahar Baser
- Baser, B., & Bocu, G. (2024). Youth Responses to State-Manufactured Diaspora Mobilization: Turkey's Diaspora Governance and the Politics of Selective Engagement. Globalizations,
- Baser, B., & Fazil, S. (2021). " They Hear Us but They Do not Listen to Us”: Youth Narratives on Hope and Despair in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 16.
- Böcü, G., & Baser, B. (2024). Transnational mobilization of future generations by non-democratic home states: Turkey’s diaspora youth between empowerment and co-optation. Ethnopolitics, 23(1), 34-58.
- Toivanen, M., & Baser, B. (2022). Diasporas, development and the second generation. In Routledge International Handbook of Diaspora Diplomacy (pp. 366-378). Routledge.
- Baser, B., & Toivanen, M. (2024). Inherited traumas in diaspora: postmemory, past-presencing and mobilisation of second-generation Kurds in Europe. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 47(2), 297-320.
Patricia Nabuco Martuscelli
- Martuscelli, P. N., & Villa, R. D. (2018). Child soldiers as peace-builders in Colombian peace talks between the government and the FARC–EP. Conflict, security & development, 18(5), 387-408.
- Martuscelli, P. N., & Bandarra, L. (2020). Triply silenced agents: cognitive structures and girl soldiers in Colombia. Critical Studies on Security, 8(3), 223-239.
- Martuscelli, P. N., Paiva, G. A. A. D., Pereira, C. D. A., & Silva, B. K. P. D. (2024). How does IR study children? A Brazilian perspective from the field. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, 67(1), e002.
- Martuscelli, P. N. (2019). Where are The Girl Soldiers? Gender and Armed Conflict in Colombia. Cadernos Pagu, e195519.
Diksha Poddar
- Poddar, Diksha (2022), Youth and Peacebuilding. In Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict (3rd ed.), Lester R. Kurtz (ed.), pp. 554-561, Elsevier: Academic Press.
- Poddar, Diksha (2024, forthcoming), Youth and Arts: Experiments, Synergies and Critiques, Journal of Applied Youth Studies, 7(2).
- Poddar, Diksha (2020), "Now, It was a War of The Viola": Youth, Music and Creative Pedagogies, Peace Prints, 6(1), ISSN: 2582-7871.
Berit Bliesemann de Guevara
- Project: PI of the Network plus Creating Safer Space which supports research on unarmed civilian protection and community self-protection, using a range of arts-based methods
- Project: Co-PI of the project Des-tejeindo miradas (Un-stitching gazes) which uses textile narratives and resonances as methods to reflect on the peace process in Colombia and has, over the last two years, mainly worked with youth in Bogota, Cali, Medellin and Popayan (Colombia)

The Big Help Out: One-off Pick & Pack volunteering at Little Village Baby Bank
The Big Help Out
Please note: this event has passed.
4 March 2024 - SEA Today: Indonesia Bandung City Government holded an event to promote Childen's participation
- Sea Morning Show (From 32:43)
4 March 2024 - Panca Sora Performance, the First Development Planning in Indonesia to Involve Children
In collaboration with Save the Children Indonesia through the GenPeace programme, the Ministry of PPPA and Saung Angklung Udjo, the Bandung City Government created an alternative model of delivering children's voices through a cultural arts approach.
4 March 2024 - Absorbing Children's Voices, Bandung City Government Holds Panca Sora Children's Show at Saung Angklung Mang Udjo
To absorb the voices of children, the city government organised a performance called Anak Panca Sora.
4 March 2024 - Bandung City Government Holds Panca Sora Children's Performance
The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) continues to be committed to involving children's participation in a more child-friendly development planning process, as well as a form of fulfilling the five clusters in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
4 March - Raising Children's Issues in Development Through Panca Sora Art
The Panca Sora children's performance which was enlivened by 9 groups of children and young people in Bandung City succeeded in wowing the audience at Saung Angklung Udjo, Sunday, (3/3/2024). The performance was held with the aim of conveying children's voices through local cultural arts performances.
4 March - KemenPPPA and Save the Children help voice children's concerns
The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KemenPPPA) collaborated with the Save the Children Indonesia Foundation through the Genpeace Program to hold a Panca Sora performance to help Bandung City children voice their individual concerns at the 2024 Bandung City Musrenbang.
3 March 2024 - Bandung City Government is Committed to Involving Children in the Development Planning Process
The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) continues to be committed to involving children's participation in a more child-friendly development planning process, as well as a form of fulfilling the five clusters in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
3 March 2024 - Forming Children's Participation in Development Planning, Bandung City Government Holds Panca Sora Performance
In order to involve children's participation in the development planning process , the Bandung City Government is holding a Panca Sora performance.
3 March 2024 - Bandung City Government Involves Children in the Development Planning Process Through Arts and Culture
The Bandung City Government involves children's participation in the development planning process that is more child-friendly , as well as a form of fulfilling the five clusters in the children's rights convention.
Our Partners

Sauti Art Rwanda

Save the Children Indonesia

Saung Anklung Udjo

Kemezubutwari Nyange Association