Professor William Fitzgerald
Emeritus Professor of Latin Language & Literature
Research interests
- Languages
After a BA at Oxford in Classics (1974) I took a PhD at Princeton University in Comparative Literature (1981) and then taught in the States for many years, at the University of California (San Diego and Berkeley). I returned to the UK in 2003 to teach at Cambridge and moved to King¹s in 2007.
Research interests and PhD supervision
- Latin poetry
- Latin prose
- Comparative literature
- Classical reception
My research has focused mainly on Latin poetry, but has also taken in Latin prose (Pliny the Younger and Apuleius) as well as topics in comparative literature and classical reception. I have written monographs on Pindar and the European Pindaric tradition, on Catullus, and on slavery in Latin literature. My latest book is Martial: the Epigrammatic World, which came out in 2007. At the moment I am working on variety and miscellany in Latin literature and finishing a little book on Latin poetry for the Latinless.
For more details, please see my full research profile.
Two King's academics receive British Academy Fellowships
The British Academy announce Professor William Fitzgerald and Professor Toby Green as Fellows.

Two King's academics receive British Academy Fellowships
The British Academy announce Professor William Fitzgerald and Professor Toby Green as Fellows.