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Una Foye

Dr Una Foye

Research Associate


I started at KCL in March 2019 to join the Mental Health Nursing team at IOPPN. My work has previously focused on understanding individuals’ experiences of living with mental health problems to help improve how we develop and improve services to meet the needs of those using them. This interest comes from my work in the third sector providing support services to young people with eating disorders in Northern Ireland. I completed my PhD at Ulster University exploring the role of emotional intelligence in the onset and maintenance of disordered eating and have published and presented a number of papers to help develop an understanding of how we can utilise emotions within interventions and within recovery.  

Beyond this area of specialist interest, I have worked on numerous research studies focused on patient experience with a particular interest in inpatient mental health settings and acute medical settings. This work includes the national study into patient experience: EURIPIDES with Queen Mary University of London and Warwick University, and Mental Health in Acute Care Study at City University London.  

Most recently I was awarded an LSI Centre for Mind Public Participation grant to develop a public event using comedy as a creative approach to talking about mental health and eating disorders. The event was a great success, showing new approaches to talking about mental health. This engagement work remains an area I’ve interested in and want to further develop.  


Research Interests 

  • Patient Experience in Mental Health 
  • Eating Disorders 
  • Emotional Intelligence 

Expertise and Public Engagement

I developed the “truth about self-harm” guide for the Mental Health Foundation which as selected by young people for inclusion in the national Reading Well project on young peoples mental health. Available:

I have written a number of blog pieces for the Mental Elf on social mental health mental health and male eating disorders. 

Currently CoI on the Hungry for Words project with colleagues in Nottingham University to develop an animation to raise awareness of male eating disorders in GP’s. 

I am a member of the BPS Faculty of Eating Disorders. 


    Mental Health Nursing

    The Mental Health Nursing research group is developing a programme of high-quality research with the aim of improving the delivery and experience of mental healthcare and mental health nursing across a range of service settings.

    Mental Health Nursing21
    Body Worn Cameras on Inpatient Mental Health Wards

    Body worn cameras are mobile audio and video devices that can be secured to various parts of the body allowing the wearer to record what they see and hear.

    Project status: Ongoing

    News Story Images Template (16)
    NIHR Policy Research Unit in Mental Health

    The NIHR Policy Research Unit in Mental Health (MHPRU) at King's and UCL conducts rapid research to inform mental health policy.


    Collaboration between King's & University of Nottingham receives Times Higher Education Award

    The project, ‘Consider Male Eating Disorders’, was awarded Research Project of the Year: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

    Animated image of multiple men

    People with Complex Emotional Needs call for effective community mental health services

    New research conducted with people with complex emotional needs, has identified major limitations in the support mental health services provide and service...



      Mental Health Nursing

      The Mental Health Nursing research group is developing a programme of high-quality research with the aim of improving the delivery and experience of mental healthcare and mental health nursing across a range of service settings.

      Mental Health Nursing21
      Body Worn Cameras on Inpatient Mental Health Wards

      Body worn cameras are mobile audio and video devices that can be secured to various parts of the body allowing the wearer to record what they see and hear.

      Project status: Ongoing

      News Story Images Template (16)
      NIHR Policy Research Unit in Mental Health

      The NIHR Policy Research Unit in Mental Health (MHPRU) at King's and UCL conducts rapid research to inform mental health policy.


      Collaboration between King's & University of Nottingham receives Times Higher Education Award

      The project, ‘Consider Male Eating Disorders’, was awarded Research Project of the Year: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

      Animated image of multiple men

      People with Complex Emotional Needs call for effective community mental health services

      New research conducted with people with complex emotional needs, has identified major limitations in the support mental health services provide and service...
