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Tracey  Mitchell

Dr Tracey Mitchell

Senior Lecturer

Research interests

  • Medicine


Dr Tracey Mitchell joined King's and Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital in 2000. She holds a King's adjunct senior lecturer position and leads the Viapath Skin Tumour Unit Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory in St John’s Institute of Dermatology. Her laboratory provides a molecular diagnostic service to detect clonal T- and B-cell antigen receptor gene rearrangements, for the diagnosis and clinical management of cutaneous lymphomas. Translational research is also fundamental to the laboratory and current research projects include functional analysis of gene mutations detected in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, affecting T-cell signalling pathways and the DNA damage response. Tracey is an academic Lead on the MRC Doctoral Training Partnership in Biomedical Sciences.


    skin cancer cells 780x450
    Skin Tumour Unit

    Cutaneous T-cell lymphomas present a model for the malignant transformation of skin resident T-cells. We have a large tissue biobank with clinical outcome data which has allowed us to define the genomic landscape of cutaneous T-cell lymphomas.


      skin cancer cells 780x450
      Skin Tumour Unit

      Cutaneous T-cell lymphomas present a model for the malignant transformation of skin resident T-cells. We have a large tissue biobank with clinical outcome data which has allowed us to define the genomic landscape of cutaneous T-cell lymphomas.