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Stephen  Sturzenbaum

Professor Stephen Sturzenbaum

Professor of Toxicogenomics 

  • Head of Department, Department of Analytical, Environmental & Forensic Sciences
  • Waterloo Campus Dean (Health)


Research interests

Professor Sturzenbaum's main research focus evolves around heavy metal responsive genes and pathways in model (e.g. the nematode C.elegans) and sentinel (e.g. the earthworm) organisms.


    Toxicogenomics Research Group

    Expanding the horizons of toxicogenomics by exploiting genomic, proteomic and toxicological tools within model species and key environment organisms.

    King's Water Centre Web Banner
    King's Water Centre

    Researching water, environment and development. Our centre spans the humanities, social, and physical sciences to explore the challenges of water governance from global to local scales.


      Toxicogenomics Research Group

      Expanding the horizons of toxicogenomics by exploiting genomic, proteomic and toxicological tools within model species and key environment organisms.

      King's Water Centre Web Banner
      King's Water Centre

      Researching water, environment and development. Our centre spans the humanities, social, and physical sciences to explore the challenges of water governance from global to local scales.