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Siân Culley

Dr Siân Culley

Royal Society University Research Fellow


I am a Royal Society University Research Fellow interesting in applying image analysis techniques to fluorescence microscopy data. I'm particularly interested in developing methods that let microscopists measure the quality of their acquired images and assess what biological information can be accurately extracted from this data. In the future I hope to use these metrics to develop image restoration methods that can restore degraded microscopy images. Prior to starting my group, I did a postdoc with Ricardo Henriques at the MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology, UCL where I developed analytical methods for super-resolution microscopy.


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    Culley Group

    The Culley Group aims to reveal what factors impact the quality of images obtained using fluorescence microscopy


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      Culley Group

      The Culley Group aims to reveal what factors impact the quality of images obtained using fluorescence microscopy