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Deborah Sanders

Professor Deborah Sanders

Professor of Contemporary Conflict and Strategy

Research interests

  • Conflict
  • Security


Dr Deborah Sanders is a Professor of Contemporary Conflict and Strategy at the Defence Studies Department, where she specialises in security issues in the Black Sea.

She is currently working on Ukraine's military transformation after the crisis, and maritime security in the Black Sea. 

Research Interests

  • Ukraine
  • Military transformation and change
  • The Black Sea
  • Small navies
  • Maritime power

MA Special Subject

Maritime Security in the Black Sea

Doctoral Supervision

Dr Sanders is happy to supervise PhD students studying Ukraine's relations with neighbours and Europe, and Ukraine's military and political transformation, Black Sea security issues including Turkey, as well as contemporary maritime issues, in particular small navies.

Recent Publications

  • ‘The war we want; the war that we get’: Ukraine’s Military Reform and the conflict in the East’, The Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 30, 2017, 30-49.
  • ‘Maritime Security in the Black Sea: Out with the new, In with the Old’, Mediterranean Quarterly, 28:2 Autumn 2017,.4-29
  • • ‘Rebuilding the Ukrainian Navy’, Naval War College Review, Autumn 2017, 70:4,.61-77.


Dr Deborah Sanders PURE Profile


Corbett Seapower Centre
Corbett Seapower Centre

The Corbett Centre develops and promotes the understanding and analysis of maritime policy and strategy


The Race is On! Staff at the Defence Department Race Alumnus to Sierra Leone

A team of enthusiastic cyclists are racing Lieutenant Colonel Kenn Bannister on his motorbike expedition, covering over will cover 7000 km to beat his arrival...

A motorbike and helmet with King's logo, at the Defence Academy


Russia's invasion of Ukraine: What are the maritime implications in the Black Sea?

DEBORAH SANDERS: Military strength, both at sea and on land, will be vital to ensure maritime security of NATO members and partners around Ukraine.



Corbett Seapower Centre
Corbett Seapower Centre

The Corbett Centre develops and promotes the understanding and analysis of maritime policy and strategy


The Race is On! Staff at the Defence Department Race Alumnus to Sierra Leone

A team of enthusiastic cyclists are racing Lieutenant Colonel Kenn Bannister on his motorbike expedition, covering over will cover 7000 km to beat his arrival...

A motorbike and helmet with King's logo, at the Defence Academy


Russia's invasion of Ukraine: What are the maritime implications in the Black Sea?

DEBORAH SANDERS: Military strength, both at sea and on land, will be vital to ensure maritime security of NATO members and partners around Ukraine.
