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Rosa Andrés Ejarque

Dr Rosa Andrés Ejarque

Research associate


Dr. Rosa Andrés Ejarque obtained her PhD in Biomedicine and Pharmacy at the University of Valencia in 2013. She then joined King’s to develop an immune classifier to help direct personalised treatments for psoriatic patients. In her current position, she is interested in dissecting the dual role of the immune system and the tumour microenvironment in the progression of blood and breast cancers.


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Systems Cancer Immunology

The main focus of the Systems Cancer Immunology (SCI) group is the role of immune system in the development of Myeloid Malignancies.

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Inflammation Biology Group

The inflammation biology group studies the impact of inflammation in cancer progression with a particular focus on the biology of macrophages and dendritic cells.


Outcomes of psoriasis treatment can be predicted by white blood cell response to test, scientists discover

The way type 2 conventional dendritic cells (cDC2) respond to an in vitro test before the patient commences therapy can predict whether the therapy is going...

Severe Psoriasis


systems cancer immunology-banner
Systems Cancer Immunology

The main focus of the Systems Cancer Immunology (SCI) group is the role of immune system in the development of Myeloid Malignancies.

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Inflammation Biology Group

The inflammation biology group studies the impact of inflammation in cancer progression with a particular focus on the biology of macrophages and dendritic cells.


Outcomes of psoriasis treatment can be predicted by white blood cell response to test, scientists discover

The way type 2 conventional dendritic cells (cDC2) respond to an in vitro test before the patient commences therapy can predict whether the therapy is going...

Severe Psoriasis