Professor Nicholas Shepherd-Barron
Professor in Geometry
Research interests
- Mathematics
Nicholas Shepherd-Barron works in various aspects of algebraic geometry, such as: singularities in the Minimal Model Program; compactification of moduli spaces, and the rationality of orbit spaces - including the moduli spaces of curves of genus 4 and 6. Other aspects of Nicholas’ interests within this field include the geography of algebraic surfaces in positive characteristic, including a proof of Raynaud's conjecture; canonical models (in the sense of birational geometry, not that of Shimura varieties) of moduli spaces of abelian varieties; the Schottky problem at the boundary; the relation between algebraic groups and del Pezzo surfaces; and the period map for elliptic surfaces. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 2006.
Research interests
- Algebraic geometry
Further Information

The Geometry Group focuses on topics within the following areas: algebraic geometry, cohomology theories, differential geometry, geometric analysis, homogeneous space, Lie groups, mirror symmetry, and symplectic geometry.

The Geometry Group focuses on topics within the following areas: algebraic geometry, cohomology theories, differential geometry, geometric analysis, homogeneous space, Lie groups, mirror symmetry, and symplectic geometry.