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Members of the Geometry Group carry out research on topics within the following areas: algebraic geometry, cohomology theories, differential geometry, geometric analysis, homogeneous space, Lie groups, mirror symmetry, symplectic geometry and low-dimensional topology.

The group interacts with other research groups in Mathematics, including Analysis (via index theory), Financial Mathematics (formulation of SDEs), Number Theory (arithmetic geometry) and Theoretical Physics (special metrics in string theory).

Geometry seminars at King's

We hold a seminar series every Tuesday in term time from 3pm - 4.30pm. Please see the seminar website for the detailed schedule.

You can also subscribe to the seminar mailing list.

For more information, please contact Calum Spicer (

London Topology and Geometry Seminar

The seminar is held by Imperial College on Friday afternoons.

For further details please see the London Topology and Geometry Seminar page.

UCL Geometry and Topology Seminar

The seminar is held by UCL on Wednesday afternoons. For more information, please see the UCL Geometry and Topology Seminar page.