Dr Michael Flavin
Reader in Global Education
Research interests
- Education
Contact details
Dr Michael Flavin is a Reader in Global Education in the African Leadership Centre.
Michael holds a degree, three master’s degrees and two doctorates: one in nineteenth-century literature and culture (University of Kent, 1999); and one in Education with a specialism in technology enhanced learning (Open University, 2014).
He has taught at a range of UK universities since 1999. His published work on technology enhanced learning strategies was translated into Chinese and was runner-up in the Association for Learning Technology’s Research Project of the Year 2018. His work has also been translated into Italian.
He is the author of two books on technology enhanced learning, two on nineteenth-century literature, and two novels: The Voice Hearer (2024) and One Small Step (2022). He is also editor-in-chief of Research in Learning Technology.
Michael peer reviews for a range of high-impact publications and reviews book proposals for Palgrave Macmillan, Routledge and Open University Press.
- The Troubles in Northern Ireland
- Disruptive Innovation theory and its applications
- The study of leadership and global leadership
- Technology enhanced learning
Further details

Chinese International Investments research group
We examine how Chinese companies and government initiatives have made China a new source of large-scale capital investments and business activities in a variety of sectors.

King's Experts Series: Shaping Global Leadership in the 21st Century
What is leadership? What does it mean to be a leader today? What role does innovation play in leadership? And does everyone have equal access to leadership...
Please note: this event has passed.

Chinese International Investments research group
We examine how Chinese companies and government initiatives have made China a new source of large-scale capital investments and business activities in a variety of sectors.

King's Experts Series: Shaping Global Leadership in the 21st Century
What is leadership? What does it mean to be a leader today? What role does innovation play in leadership? And does everyone have equal access to leadership...
Please note: this event has passed.