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Martin  Gulliford

Professor Martin Gulliford

Professor of Public Health


Martin Gulliford is Professor of Public Health in the School of Population Health and Environmental Sciences at King's College London. Martin's research interests are in epidemiology as applied to public health and health services research. Research Publications: For a full list, see PubMed.

Research funding
Martin's research has received funding from: Medical Research Council; National Prevention Research Initiative; NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme; NIHR Health Services and Delivery Programme; Dunhill Medical Trust; Guy's and St Thomas' Charity; and Wellcome Trust.


    data networking csi project 780x450
    Big & Routine Data-Based Palliative & End of Life Care Research

    The big data research projects include a range of research studies using large-scale routinely collected datasets to explore various end-of-life outcomes.

    Project status: Ongoing

    Epidemiology research group (thumbnail)
    Epidemiology research group

    The Epidemiology research group focuses on epidemiological methodologies and applications in public health and health services research


    Risk of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes higher for COVID-19 patients

    Patients who contract COVID-19 face a higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, a new study has found.

    Cardio james clark thumbnail

    Children and young adults with Down Syndrome four times more likely to have diabetes

    Children and young adults with Down Syndrome are four times more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes, according to new research led by King’s College London...

    funding alzheimers down syndrome 780x440

    Risk of sepsis is greatest for patients with frailty, older age or urinary tract infections, study finds

    Patients with frailty, older age and urinary tract infections (UTIs) are at greatest risk of developing sepsis following infection consultations in primary...

    sepsis infection

    NHS “health checks” reduce cardiovascular disease risk, new study finds

    According to newly published research attending a health check as part of the NHS “Health Check” program is associated with increased risk management...

    health check


      data networking csi project 780x450
      Big & Routine Data-Based Palliative & End of Life Care Research

      The big data research projects include a range of research studies using large-scale routinely collected datasets to explore various end-of-life outcomes.

      Project status: Ongoing

      Epidemiology research group (thumbnail)
      Epidemiology research group

      The Epidemiology research group focuses on epidemiological methodologies and applications in public health and health services research


      Risk of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes higher for COVID-19 patients

      Patients who contract COVID-19 face a higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, a new study has found.

      Cardio james clark thumbnail

      Children and young adults with Down Syndrome four times more likely to have diabetes

      Children and young adults with Down Syndrome are four times more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes, according to new research led by King’s College London...

      funding alzheimers down syndrome 780x440

      Risk of sepsis is greatest for patients with frailty, older age or urinary tract infections, study finds

      Patients with frailty, older age and urinary tract infections (UTIs) are at greatest risk of developing sepsis following infection consultations in primary...

      sepsis infection

      NHS “health checks” reduce cardiovascular disease risk, new study finds

      According to newly published research attending a health check as part of the NHS “Health Check” program is associated with increased risk management...

      health check