I am a political theorist interested in questions of democracy (deliberative and participatory approaches), inequality, and urban governance. My work is interdisciplinary and combines normative political theory with qualitative methods and a public policy focus.
Before joining King’s as a lecturer, I have been a postdoctoral research associate here at King’s and an LSE Fellow at the London School of Economics. My postdoctoral project ‘Coping with Complexity and Urban Inequality: Dilemmas of Democratic Mega-city Governance’ was fully funded by the Economic and Social Research Council UK. My PhD is from the London School of Economics, Government Department (2020). I am also a member of the Leadership Collective of the Critical Policy Studies Related Group, American Political Science Association.
You can visit my website here.
Office hours
Marta is on leave in the 2024/25 academic year and will not be holding office hours.
I have been teaching a range of courses within PPE (Politics, Philosophy, and Economics) and Political Theory, including:
- Ethics, Economics and Public Policy
- Key Concepts of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics
- Philosophy, Politics, and Economics of the City
- Ethics and Public Policy
- Introduction to Political Theory
- Political Theory of Finance
Dacombe, R., Wojciechowska, M. (forthcoming). Social Choice and Citizen Participation: Reconciling Public Administration and Democratic Theory, Political Studies Review.
Wojciechowska, M. (2023). From Lived Urban Experiences to Cross-Contextual Norms: A Selection Dilemma, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, DOI: doi.org/10.1080/13698230.2023.2231821
Wojciechowska, M. (2022). Understanding Megacities. An Argument on the Role of Democratic Ideals. Political Geography, 97, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2022.102693
Wojciechowska, M. (2022). Ercan, Hendriks and Boswell: Mending democracy: democratic repair in disconnected times, Democratization, DOI: 10.1080/13510347.2022.2073439 (review)
Wojciechowska, M. (2022). Participation Is Not Enough: an Argument for Emancipation as a Foundation of Participatory Theorising. Representation, 58:2, 155-168
Wojciechowska, M. (2019). Towards Intersectional Democratic Innovations. Political Studies, 67(4), 895-911.
Wojciechowska, M. (2019). Completely Theorized Agreements. A Different Reading of the Consensus Paradox Hypotheses. Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 15(1).
Policy reports:
Haggar T., Hewlett K., Hall S., Piggott H., Regan Z., Hesketh R., Wojciechowska M., Dacombe R. (2023) Breaking Point. The cost-of-living crisis in London, and what can be done about it. DOI: 10.18742/pub01-155
Lawson, G., Haggar, T., Hewlett, K., Hall, S., Piggott, H., Hesketh, R., Regan, Z., Wojciechowska, M., Dacombe, R., & Morgan, C. (2023). Experiencing the cost-of-living crisis: the impact on mental health. https://doi.org/10.18742/pub01-154
Wojciechowska, M. (2022). London during the Pandemic: Local Democracy and Inequality https://doi.org/10.18742/pub01-076
Bussu, S., Golan Y., Hargreaves A., Bua A., Falanga R., Fleuß D., Forde C., Williams E., Wojciechowska M. (2022). Understanding developments in Participatory Governance. A report on findings from a scoping review. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Dacombe, R., Allen, G., Carugati, F., Blick, A., Bol, D., Duffy, B., Wojciechowska, M. (2021). Written evidence for the Inquiry into the Future governance of the UK (FGU0019). House of Lords Constitution Committee.

Political Theory Research Group
The political theory group covers many topics and approaches, and affirms the central importance of political economy to political theory.

Centre for British Democracy
The Centre for British Democracy is interested in the study of government and politics in the United Kingdom from an historical, political science, political theory and constitutional perspective.
Major project aims to improve participatory democracy
Researchers from the Department of Political Economy are part of a team working on a major, pan-European project designed to improve participatory democracy...

'Lived experience' could offer important insights for policy-makers
Understanding the experiences of those most acutely affected by economic hardship can yield important new insights for policy-makers.

Academics present report on cost of living crisis to policymakers
Academics from the Department of Political Economy were part of a research team that presented a new report on the cost-of-living crisis at a summit hosted by...

London Powers and Inequality: Lessons from the COVID-19
The Government’s newly-published Levelling Up White Paper sets out a plan to spread ‘London-style powers’ and prosperity to all parts of the UK, but this...

Academic team presents report to House of Lords committee
A report prepared by a team of academics from the Department of Political Economy was presented to a House of Lords committee.


London Democracy after the Pandemic
This event revisits the topic of London's democratic governance and the challenges that rise ahead.
Please note: this event has passed.
London Powers and Inequality: Lessons from the COVID-19
A new report by Dr Marta Wojciechowska examines the vast influence that COVID-19 had on London.


Political Theory Research Group
The political theory group covers many topics and approaches, and affirms the central importance of political economy to political theory.

Centre for British Democracy
The Centre for British Democracy is interested in the study of government and politics in the United Kingdom from an historical, political science, political theory and constitutional perspective.
Major project aims to improve participatory democracy
Researchers from the Department of Political Economy are part of a team working on a major, pan-European project designed to improve participatory democracy...

'Lived experience' could offer important insights for policy-makers
Understanding the experiences of those most acutely affected by economic hardship can yield important new insights for policy-makers.

Academics present report on cost of living crisis to policymakers
Academics from the Department of Political Economy were part of a research team that presented a new report on the cost-of-living crisis at a summit hosted by...

London Powers and Inequality: Lessons from the COVID-19
The Government’s newly-published Levelling Up White Paper sets out a plan to spread ‘London-style powers’ and prosperity to all parts of the UK, but this...

Academic team presents report to House of Lords committee
A report prepared by a team of academics from the Department of Political Economy was presented to a House of Lords committee.


London Democracy after the Pandemic
This event revisits the topic of London's democratic governance and the challenges that rise ahead.
Please note: this event has passed.
London Powers and Inequality: Lessons from the COVID-19
A new report by Dr Marta Wojciechowska examines the vast influence that COVID-19 had on London.