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Marina Soley-Bori

Dr Marina Soley-Bori

Lecturer in Health Economics


Dr Marina Soley-Bori is a Lecturer in Health Economics. Her research explores how to deliver high-quality healthcare while containing costs. She uses econometrics and large datasets to identify the determinants of healthcare use, costs, and quality of care. Additionally, she evaluates the health and cost impacts of policy changes and interventions using cost-effectiveness analysis.

After completing her PhD and working in government consulting at the Research Triangle Institute, she joined King’s in 2019 as a research fellow. Since then, she has been part of the Health Economics for Life Sciences and Medicine (HELM) group (led by Prof Julia Fox-Rushby). Marina teaches health economics in the MPH program, and she is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Her work in health economics has identified the value of coordination among healthcare providers in diabetes care; long-term conditions with the highest primary care costs among individuals with multimorbidity; and the cost-effectiveness of the Children and Young People’s Health Partnership (CYPHP, a new integrated paediatric care model in South London). In the area of maternal health, she evaluates inequalities in the impact of COVID-19 on maternity care services as part of RESILIENT.

A complete list of Marina's publications can be found here.


    CHILDS (applied health services and systems research)

    The Child Health Integrated Learning and Delivery System Research Group is part of the KHP Institute for Women’s and Children’s Health

    Public health  thumbnail
    Health Economics for Life Sciences and Medicine (HELM)

    Health Economics for Life Sciences and Medicine aims to improve population health and well-being through rigorous, applied, policy-relevant research in health economics, continuous reflection on, and advancement of, methodology, and inspiring, teaching and enabling others to include economics early and often in decisions concerning population health


    Integrated care for children with chronic conditions improves care quality and may be cost-effective in the long term

    The analysis of the Children and Young People's Health Partnership (CYPHP) model in South London has shown the potential for a positive impact on cost...

    children health concept 780x450

    Black women face the worst health inequalities in South London

    Researchers have found that Black women have the most long-term health conditions of any ethnic group, in a study of South London patients.


    Study reveals urgent need for stroke prevention and care strategies in Sierra Leone

    The research into common risk factors for stroke, type of stroke and outcomes of stroke in Sierra Leone uncovers a need for improved stroke care in the region

    Zainab SISLE test patients blurred



    The impact of Covid-19 on primary care consultations of individuals with multimorbidity

    Seminar with Alice McGreevy and Dr Marina Soley Bori

    Please note: this event has passed.


      CHILDS (applied health services and systems research)

      The Child Health Integrated Learning and Delivery System Research Group is part of the KHP Institute for Women’s and Children’s Health

      Public health  thumbnail
      Health Economics for Life Sciences and Medicine (HELM)

      Health Economics for Life Sciences and Medicine aims to improve population health and well-being through rigorous, applied, policy-relevant research in health economics, continuous reflection on, and advancement of, methodology, and inspiring, teaching and enabling others to include economics early and often in decisions concerning population health


      Integrated care for children with chronic conditions improves care quality and may be cost-effective in the long term

      The analysis of the Children and Young People's Health Partnership (CYPHP) model in South London has shown the potential for a positive impact on cost...

      children health concept 780x450

      Black women face the worst health inequalities in South London

      Researchers have found that Black women have the most long-term health conditions of any ethnic group, in a study of South London patients.


      Study reveals urgent need for stroke prevention and care strategies in Sierra Leone

      The research into common risk factors for stroke, type of stroke and outcomes of stroke in Sierra Leone uncovers a need for improved stroke care in the region

      Zainab SISLE test patients blurred



      The impact of Covid-19 on primary care consultations of individuals with multimorbidity

      Seminar with Alice McGreevy and Dr Marina Soley Bori

      Please note: this event has passed.