We aim to improve population health and well-being through:
- rigorous, applied, policy-relevant research in health economics
- continuous reflection on, and advancement of, methodology
- inspiring, teaching and enabling others to include economics early and often in decisions concerning population health
Our research focuses on the efficiency and equity implications of alternative ways of delivering improvements in health, quality-of-life and wellbeing. We consider new technologies, complex re-organisation of services, and the role of information. We undertake economic evaluation alongside trials, observational studies and as decision-models, and use health econometrics with big data.
We enjoy working in enthusiastic, collaborative, creative, respectful, productive, multi-disciplinary teams.
Our most common clinical areas of application include preventive health, cardiovascular disease and long-term conditions, maternal and child health, and surgery.
Our Partners

Royal Papworth Hospital

College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences at the University of Sierra Leone

University of Cambridge

Institute for Women’s and Childrens Health