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Maia King

Dr Maia King

Lecturer in Economics


Maia joins King’s College London from the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, and she has a PhD in Economics from Queen Mary, University of London. Before her PhD, Maia worked as an economist at HM Treasury, an ODI Fellow in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in Madagascar, and the Macro-Fiscal Analysis Unit of the Liberian Ministry of Finance, and as a researcher and adviser at the ODI Centre for Aid and Public Expenditure.

Office hours

Office hours are by appointment. You can book here.


Maia’s research relates to the economics of governance institutions, public finance and budgets, policy making, and social and economic networks. Recent research on the political economy of foreign aid explores the interactions between the agency of policymakers and governance institutions, and how aid interventions could create space for local decision-making. This includes an impact project to develop a decision mapping tool for supporting localisation efforts in aid, funded by ESRC IAA and KCL.

View Maia’s profile on Google Scholar.

PhD Supervision

Maia welcomes PhD applications on the political economy of foreign aid and governance institutions, from applicants with at least two years of non-academic work experience. Potential applicants should first consult the DPE webpage on PhDs. E-mail enquiries should include a research proposal, CV, and information on expectations for timing and funding.

Latest publications

Policy reports



quantative resized
Quantitative Political Economy Research Group

The Quantitative Political Economy research group gathers economists and political scientists that are committed to bridging the two disciplines. The common ground is the study politics and policies with advanced quantitative methods and formal modeling.

Public Policy and Regulation Research Group

Public Policy and Regulation (PPR) is the home for theoretically and empirically grounded research which analyses policy and regulatory responses to important political, social and economic issues, and (individual-level) responses to these policies.

Big Ben
Centre for British Democracy

The Centre for British Democracy is interested in the study of government and politics in the United Kingdom from an historical, political science, political theory and constitutional perspective.

Global South Research Group

The Global South research group brings together scholars engaged in research on international political and economic trends, non-European perspectives, and south-south comparisons.

Fourth Annual Distinguished Lecture in Economics
Politics, Philosophy and Economics Research Group

The PPE research group studies questions spanning the disciplines of politics, philosophy, and economics.

Environment and Public Policy

The Environment and Public Policy Group

social divisions
Social Equity and Social Welfare

The Social and Social Welfare subgroup delivers theoretically and empirically grounded research focused on gender and income inequality, social policy and social welfare, taxation, and redistribution.

A decision mapping tool for supporting localisation efforts in aid

A decision mapping tool for supporting localisation efforts in aid led by Dr Maia King at King's College London

Project status: Ongoing

History and Political Economy Research Group

The History and Political Economy Research Group at King's College London


Book co-authored by academics is shortlisted for prestigious prize

A book co-authored by two King’s academics has been shortlisted for a prestigious literary prize.

Book award

Project aims to put locals at heart of forestry governance

A new project led by King’s academics aims to improve the effectiveness, sustainability and responsiveness of forest governance initiatives.

Forest governance


quantative resized
Quantitative Political Economy Research Group

The Quantitative Political Economy research group gathers economists and political scientists that are committed to bridging the two disciplines. The common ground is the study politics and policies with advanced quantitative methods and formal modeling.

Public Policy and Regulation Research Group

Public Policy and Regulation (PPR) is the home for theoretically and empirically grounded research which analyses policy and regulatory responses to important political, social and economic issues, and (individual-level) responses to these policies.

Big Ben
Centre for British Democracy

The Centre for British Democracy is interested in the study of government and politics in the United Kingdom from an historical, political science, political theory and constitutional perspective.

Global South Research Group

The Global South research group brings together scholars engaged in research on international political and economic trends, non-European perspectives, and south-south comparisons.

Fourth Annual Distinguished Lecture in Economics
Politics, Philosophy and Economics Research Group

The PPE research group studies questions spanning the disciplines of politics, philosophy, and economics.

Environment and Public Policy

The Environment and Public Policy Group

social divisions
Social Equity and Social Welfare

The Social and Social Welfare subgroup delivers theoretically and empirically grounded research focused on gender and income inequality, social policy and social welfare, taxation, and redistribution.

A decision mapping tool for supporting localisation efforts in aid

A decision mapping tool for supporting localisation efforts in aid led by Dr Maia King at King's College London

Project status: Ongoing

History and Political Economy Research Group

The History and Political Economy Research Group at King's College London


Book co-authored by academics is shortlisted for prestigious prize

A book co-authored by two King’s academics has been shortlisted for a prestigious literary prize.

Book award

Project aims to put locals at heart of forestry governance

A new project led by King’s academics aims to improve the effectiveness, sustainability and responsiveness of forest governance initiatives.

Forest governance